

单词 tooth
tooth ★★★
NOUN  C   
1 any of the hard white objects inside your mouth that you use for biting and for chewing food 牙齿

front/back teeth 门牙/臼齿

a loose/missing/broken tooth 松动了的/掉了的/破了的牙齿

brush/clean your teeth It’ s important to brush your teeth at least twice a day. 每天至少刷两次牙是很重要的。

take out/fill a tooth Two teeth needed filling and one had to be taken out. 两颗牙需要补,一颗牙得拔掉。

cut teeth (=start to get them) The baby’ s cutting his top teeth. 开始长牙;出牙

bare/show your teeth The dog growled and bared its teeth. 狗龇着牙狂吠。

tooth decay Too much sugar can cause tooth decay. 吃太多糖会导致蛀牙。

2 one of a row of narrow pointed parts that form the edge of a tool or machine (工具或机器边缘尖细的)齿

the teeth on a saw/gear/comb 锯齿/齿轮齿/梳齿

3 teeth  plural  the necessary power and authority to be effective or to make people obey you 必要的权力

The new regulations give the planning committees more teeth. 新规定赋予计划委员会更大的权力。

-   get your teeth into sth informal
to put a lot of your time and energy into something that is interesting because it needs a lot of effort and skill

I’ d like a project that I can really get my teeth into. 我想要个能够真正投入时间和精力的项目。

-   go at it/fighttooth and nail
to fight or argue with energy and determination

Ministers have been fighting tooth and nail over this issue. 部长们在这个问题上吵得不可开交。

-   in the teeth of sth
1 despite something such as problems or difficulties 尽管;不顾

The bill was passed in the teeth of strong opposition. 法案尽管遭到了强烈反对,但还是通过了。

2 against the force of a strong wind 顶着,迎着(强风)

She struggled across the moor in the teeth of gale force winds. 她顶着强风,艰难地穿过了沼泽地。

-   set your teeth on edge
if something such as a sound sets your teeth on edge , you think it is very unpleasant or annoying

That whining voice of hers always sets my teeth on edge. 她那哼哼唧唧的声音总是让我难以忍受。

-   show your teeth
to show that you have power or authority and that you intend to use it
See also
cut 1
grit 2
kick 2
long 1
sink 1
skin 1




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