

单词 tight
tight 1 ★★
1 clothes that are tight are close against your body when you wear them (衣物)紧身的,紧贴的

a tight skirt/dress 紧身裙子/连衣裙

1a used about clothes that are uncomfortable because they are so close against your body (衣物)过紧的,窄小的

The first hat was a bit tight. 第一顶帽子有点儿紧。

2 a tight hold or grip is very firm and strong (抓或握)紧紧的

She hugged Marco in a tight grip. 她紧紧地拥抱着马可。

2a firmly fastened in a particular position 紧的;牢的;不松动的

She had twisted her hair into a tight knot. 她把头发牢牢地盘成一个发髻。

The screw was so tight I couldn’ t turn it. 螺丝太紧了,我拧不动。

3 something such as cloth or rope that is tight is stretched so that it is completely straight or flat (布、绳子等)绷直的,拉平的
4 controlled very carefully and strictly 控制严格的;控制严密的

Security has been very tight throughout the Prince’ s visit. 在王子访问期间,保安工作自始至终都十分严密。

It was politically desirable to have a tight economic policy. 从政治上看,最好能有一个控制严密的经济政策。

tight control of costs 严格的成本控制

4a done with a lot of skill and care so that mistakes are not made 准确无误的

a tight performance by the cast 演员们准确无误的表演

They kept things tight for the first half of the game. 他们在上半场很好地控制了比赛。

5 if money is tight , you have only just enough (钱)仅够用的;手头拮据的

a tight budget holidays for people on a tight budget 手头拮据者的假期

money is tight/things are tight Things will be a little tight for a few months. 有几个月钱会有点儿紧。

5a if time is tight , you have so little time that it is difficult for you to do what you need to (时间)紧的

If time is tight, cook the chicken the day before. 如果时间紧的话,提前一天把鸡肉煮好。

a tight schedule/deadline/timetable We’ re going to be working to a very tight schedule. 我们的工作日程安排得很紧。

5b if space is tight , you have only just enough (钱)仅够用的;手头拮据的

You can just about park here, but it’ s pretty tight. 你可以把车停在这里,不过地方相当小。

a tight squeeze (=a situation in which there is only just enough space) It’ s a tight squeeze for all of you in our little house. 刚刚挤得下的空间

6 a tight voice or expression shows that you are nervous or annoyed (声音或表情)紧张的,生气的

He gave her a tight smile. 他紧张地冲她笑了笑。

7 if your chest or another part of your body feels tight , it feels as if it is being squeezed (胸部或其他部位)憋闷的,不适的

His throat was too tight to allow the words to escape. 他感到喉咙堵塞,一句话都说不出来。

8 a tight angle is a very small angle that gives you very little space to do something (角度)非常小的
9 a tight bend on a road is difficult to drive round because it curves a lot (转弯)急的,急转的
10 consisting of people or things that are very close together 密集的

a tight bundle of sticks 一捆密匝匝的柴枝

11 if a game is tight , both players or teams play well and it is difficult to know who will win (比赛)胜负难定的
12 a tight group of people have a close relationship with each other 关系亲密的
13 informal   someone who is tight likes to avoid spending money . This word shows that you dislike people like this . 小气的;吝啬的
14 informal old-fashioned   drunk 醉醺醺的
-   keep a tight grip/rein/hold on sth
to control something in a very strict way
-   run a tight ship
to control something such as an organization or institution in a very strict and effective way
-   a tight corner/spot/situation
a difficult situation

She can usually talk her way out of tight corners. 她总能凭着自己的三寸不烂之舌摆脱困境。

tightly  adv 

Keep the windows tightly closed. 把窗户关紧。

The campaign had been tightly controlled from start to finish. 这次运动从头到尾都受到严格的控制。

The skirt fits a little too tightly around the waist. 这条裙子的腰部有点太紧了。

tightness  noun   U 




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