

单词 blow
blow 1 ★★★
1  I  if wind or air blows, the air moves (风或空气)吹,刮

A strong wind was blowing across the moors. 一阵大风吹过荒野。

There’ s an awful draught blowing in through this window. 一阵可怕的风从这扇窗户吹进来。

1a  I/T  if something blows or is blown somewhere , the wind moves it there (风)吹动,刮走

The wind was blowing snow along the street. 风沿街吹卷着雪花。

A man died after being blown into the sea. 一名男子被风刮到海里身亡。

Newspapers and plastic bags were blowing about in the wind. 报纸和塑料袋被风刮得到处飞。

A strong gust of wind blew his hat off his head. 一阵大风把他的帽子从头上刮了下来。

2  I  to push out air from your mouth (用嘴)吹气

He bent towards the candle and blew gently. 他弯下腰,朝蜡烛轻轻地吹气。

If your soup’ s too hot, blow on it. 如果你的汤太烫,吹一吹。

2a  T  to move something by pushing out air from your mouth (用嘴)吹动

blow sth off/away She picked up a book and blew the dust off it. 她拾起一本书,吹掉上面的灰尘。

2b  T  to form something by pushing out air from your mouth 吹制;吹成

blow bubbles Two little boys were sitting on the steps, blowing bubbles. 两个小男孩坐在台阶上吹泡泡。

blow glass Visitors can watch the men blowing glass in the workshop. 游客可以观看工人在车间吹制玻璃器皿。

3  I/T  to make a sound by pushing air through something such as a whistle or a musical instrument 吹响;吹奏;鸣响

The guard blew his whistle and the train started. 列车长吹响哨子,火车便开动了。

4  I/T  if something electrical blows, it stops working , usually because too much electricity has passed through it (使)(电器)烧断

The light bulb in the projector had blown. 投影仪里的灯泡烧了。

A power surge blew all the fuses, and the house was plunged into darkness. 电涌烧断了所有的保险丝,房子变得漆黑一片。

5 blow  I/T  if a tyre blows or you blow it , it bursts (使)(轮胎)爆炸

Kathy was turning the corner when one of the front tyres blew. 凯西正在转弯,这时车的一个前轮突然爆胎了。

6  T  informal   to destroy your own chance of succeeding , or waste a good opportunity 失去,浪费掉,断送(良机)

I’ ve completely blown my diet with that piece of chocolate cake. 吃掉那块巧克力蛋糕后我的节食计划就全泡汤了。

blow it We were in with a good chance for that contract but you’ ve really blown it now! 我们很有机会得到那份合同,可是你现在却真的把它搞砸了。

7  T  informal   to spend a lot of money quickly on things that you do not need 挥霍,乱花(钱)

He inherited a fortune but blew it on bad investments and a luxurious lifestyle. 他继承了一大笔钱,但是他把钱挥霍在不当的投资和奢侈的生活方式上了。

8  T  AMERICAN  very informal   to leave a place quickly 迅速离开

Let’ s blow this joint. 我们赶紧离开这个地方吧。

-   blow sb’ s brains out informal
to kill someone by shooting them in the head from very close to them

He threatened to blow my brains out if I didn’ t hand over the money. 他威胁如果我不交出钱就朝我的脑袋开枪。

-   blow sb’ s cover
to tell people who someone really is or what they are really doing , especially when doing this puts that person in danger or spoils a plan

One mistake could blow our agent’ s cover and ruin years of careful investigation. 一个错误可能会暴露我们的特工身份,毁掉我们几年来周密的调查。

-   blow a fuse/gasket informal
to suddenly become very angry

The trouble with Roy is he’ s likely to blow a fuse and hit someone. 罗伊的缺点是他可能会突然大发脾气去打人。

-   blow a gale BRITISH
to be very windywith very strong winds

I’ m not going out – it’ s blowing a gale out there. 我不出去了,因为外面在刮大风。

-   blow sb’ s head off
to kill someone by shooting them in the head

The note passed to the bank clerk threatened to blow his head off. 递给银行职员的条子上威胁说要用枪打爆他的头。

-   blow a hole in sth
1 to destroy part of something in an explosion 把某物炸个洞

The bomb exploded, blowing a hole in the side of the plane. 炸弹爆炸了,把飞机的侧面炸了个洞。

2 to damage a plan or idea so that it cannot succeed , or so that people no longer believe it 破坏(计划);批驳(观点)

The new research blows a hole in theories about the evolution of birds. 新的研究批驳了关于鸟类进化的理论。

-   blow hot and cold
to have positive and then negative opinions or feelings about something or someone again and again

The government has blown hot and cold on this bill, and we just don’ t know where they stand now. 政府对于这个议案摇摆不定,我们根本不知道他们现在的立场是什么。

-   blow (it) BRITISH informal old-fashioned
used when you are annoyed about something , or for saying in an annoyed way that you do not care about something

Oh blow it! Now I’ ll have to start all over again. 该死的!现在我又得全部从头开始。

-   blow (sb) a kiss
to kiss your hand and pretend to blow or throw the kiss to someone
-   blow the lid off sth informal
to let people know something that has been kept a secret

Her testimony may blow the lid off the CIA’ s activities in Latin America. 她的证词也许会暴露中央情报局在拉丁美洲的活动。

-   blow me
1 BRITISH  spoken   used when you are surprised about something 真没想到(用于表示惊讶)

Well, blow me! I never knew this was where you were born. 嘿,真没想到!我从来不知道这是你出生的地方。

2 AMERICAN  offensive   used as an offensive way of emphasizing that you are annoyed or angry at someone . You may hear this expression but should not use it . 气死我了(用于强调对某人恼怒或生气)
-   blow sb’ s mind informal
to impress someone very much or make them feel very excited

To see him perform on stage just blew my mind. 看见他在舞台上表演就令我激动不已。

-   blow your nose
to clean your nose by forcing air through it
-   blow off steam mainly AMERICAN informal
to express anger as a way of feeling better , although it will not help to improve the situation that made you angry

He knows that there’ s nothing anyone can do. He’ s just blowing off steam. 他知道没有人能帮忙。他只是在发泄愤怒。

-   blow sb/sth out of the water informal
1 to show that something is completely false or wrong 证明某人/某事完全错误

We found evidence that blew his case out of the water. 我们找到证据证明他的论据是完全错误的。

2 to defeat someone easily 轻松战胜某人

They think they can blow their rivals out of the water with this product. 他们认为使用这种产品能够轻松战胜对手。

-   blow your (own) trumpet BRITISH
to emphasize your own achievements and successes to other people
-   blow (sb) a raspberry BRITISH
to make a rude sound by putting your tongue through your lips and blowing
-   blow sth to bits/pieces/smithereens
to completely destroy something in an explosion , so that it breaks into many small pieces

The entire car was blown to bits when the device went off. 当那个装置爆炸时,整辆车都炸成了碎片。

-   blow your top/stack informal
to suddenly become very angry

The boss will blow his top when he hears about this. 老板如果听说这件事的话会大发雷霆的。

-   blow sth (up) out of (all) proportion
to claim that something is much worse or more dangerous than it really is

We admit we were late with the payment, but let’ s not blow this out of all proportion. 我们承认我们付款延期了,但也不用对此小题大做吧。

-   blow the whistle
to tell the public or someone in authority about something wrong that you know someone is doing , especially at the place where you work . A person who does this is called a whistle-blower

+on People should be able to blow the whistle on corruption and incompetence without losing their jobs. 人们应该能够揭发腐败和不称职行为而不致失去工作。

ˌblow aˈpart
1 to destroy something with an explosion 炸毁;炸坏

The aircraft was blown apart by a terrorist bomb. 飞机被恐怖分子的炸弹炸毁了。

2 to show that an idea is completely false or wrong 证明…完全错误

The book blew apart the myth of their perfect marriage. 这本书揭穿了他们完美婚姻的神话。

ˌblow aˈway
1  I/T  if something blows away or is blown away , the wind moves it away from you until you cannot see or touch it (被)吹走

His hat blew away on the roller coaster. 他的帽子在过山车上被吹走了。

She switched on the fan to blow away the smoke. 她打开风扇把烟吹走。

2  T  informal   to kill someone by shooting them 枪杀
3  T  informal   to impress someone very much or make them very excited 给(某人)深刻印象;令(某人)极度兴奋

When I heard that song for the first time it just blew me away. 第一次听到那首歌时我激动不已。

4  T  AMERICAN  informal   to defeat someone completely and easily 彻底战胜;轻易打败
ˌblow ˈdown
if something blows down , or is blown down , the wind makes it fall (被)吹倒

A big tree had blown down in the storm. 一棵大树在暴风雨中被吹倒。

A sudden gust of wind blew down the fence. 突然刮来的一阵风把篱笆吹倒了。

ˌblow ˈin
1  I  to come towards you in the air 吹来

A cool breeze blew in from the coast. 一阵凉爽的微风从海滨吹来。

2  I/T  if a window blows in , or if something blows it in , it breaks into pieces that fall inside the building (把…)吹落在屋内,向内炸开

The gale blew in every window in the house. 大风把所有的窗户都吹破了。

3  I  informal   to arrive unexpectedly 意外地到来

Charlie and May just blew in for a visit. 查利和梅突然来访。

ˌblow ˈoff
1  I/T  if something blows off or is blown off , the wind makes it come off (被)吹掉

The roof blew off in the storm. 屋顶在暴风雨中被刮走了。

A gust of wind blew her hat off. 一阵风把她的帽子吹落了。

2  T  to remove and destroy something by shooting it or making it explode 开枪击毁;炸掉

The soldier blew the sniper’ s arm off. 士兵炸掉了狙击手的一只胳膊。

An explosion blew one of the wings off the plane. 爆炸炸掉了飞机的一侧机翼。

3  I  BRITISH  impolite   to fart
4  T  AMERICAN  informal   to not do something you had agreed or arranged to do 没有做(承诺过或安排好的事)

I can’ t believe you blew off the exam. 我无法相信你没有去参加考试。

5  T  AMERICAN  informal   to behave as if you think someone or something is unimportant 轻视;认为…不重要
ˌblow ˈout
1  I/T  if you blow out a flame or if it blows out , it stops burning because you blow on it or because of the wind (被)吹灭

He blew out all 60 candles on his birthday cake. 他吹灭了生日蛋糕上全部60根蜡烛。

2  I/T  if a window blows out , or if something blows it out , it breaks into pieces that fall outside the building (把…)向外炸开

The bomb blew out all the windows on the bus. 炸弹把公共汽车上的所有车窗都炸碎了。

3  I/T  blow15
4  T  MAINLY AMERICAN  informal   to defeat someone easily 轻松击败

They’ ve blown out every team they’ ve played this season. 他们轻松击败了本赛季和他们比赛的每一支队伍。

-   blow itself out
if a storm blows itself out , it ends
ˌblow ˈover
1  I/T  if something blows over or is blown over , the wind makes it fall (被)吹倒

The dustbins have blown over and there’ s rubbish everywhere. 垃圾箱被吹倒了,垃圾刮得到处都是。

Several trees had been blown over in the gale. 几棵树在大风中被刮倒。

2  I  if a storm blows over , it ends (暴风雨)停止,平息,过去
3  I  if a dangerous or embarrassing situation blows over , people stop worrying about it and soon forget about it (危险或难堪的情况)过去,被淡忘,平息

It was a major scandal, and we all hoped it would soon blow over. 这是件大丑闻,我们都希望它不久就会被淡忘。

ˌblow ˈup
1  I/T  if something blows up , or someone blows something up , it explodes and is destroyed 爆炸;引爆;(被)炸毁

Terrorists had threatened to blow up the embassy. 恐怖分子威胁要炸掉大使馆。

The boiler blew up, wrecking the whole house. 锅炉爆炸,炸毁了整座房子。

2  T  to fill something with air or gas 给…充气

We blew up lots of balloons and hung them around the room. 我们吹了很多气球,把它们挂得满屋子都是。

3  I  if a storm or strong wind blows up , it suddenly starts (暴风雨或大风)来临

The race had to be cancelled when the storm blew up. 暴风雨突然来临,比赛只好取消。

4  I  if a serious argument or problem blows up , it begins suddenly (争论)开始;(问题)出现

A political row has blown up over the minister’ s remarks. 一场针对部长讲话的政治争吵开始了。

5  I  to suddenly become angry and shout at someone 狂怒;大发脾气

+at She just blew up at me. 她马上就对我大发脾气。

6  T  to make a photograph bigger 放大(照片)

They had blown up the picture to make a huge poster of his face. 他们放大了照片,用他的脸部制成巨幅海报。

-   blow up in sb’ s face informal
if your plans blow up in your face , they do not happen as you expected and cause a lot of problems
See also




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