

单词 thinking
thinking 1
NOUN  U   
1 an opinion or set of ideas 观点;见解;想法

+on/about His thinking on social issues has changed considerably over the years. 这些年来,他对社会问题的见解有了很大改变。

+behind Can you explain the thinking behind your current proposal? 能否解释一下你现在提出的这个建议是出于怎样的想法?

current/modern thinking Many passages have been changed to reflect current political thinking. 很多段落已作改动,以反映当前的政治思潮。

1a used for giving your opinion 在我看来;依我看

To my way of thinking, this is the most important decision we have to make. 在我看来,这是我们必须作出的最重要的决定。

2 the way you consider things or react to them 思维方式;反应

This is the stage for creative thinking and imaginative ideas. 这是个需要创造性思维和富于想象力的点子的阶段。

positive thinking What’ s needed here is some positive thinking. 这里需要的是一些积极的想法。

quick thinking The driver’ s quick thinking helped prevent a more serious accident. 幸亏司机反应敏捷,才避免了酿成更严重的车祸。

2a used for telling someone that they have had a good idea 主意不错
3 the process of considering something or reacting to something 思考;思索

He had some serious thinking to do. 他要认真思考一番。





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