

单词 think
think 1 ★★★
1  T  to believe something based on facts or ideas 认为;以为

+(that) What do you think he wants? 你认为他想要什么?

I don’ t think there’ s a bank in the village. 我认为村里没银行。

be thought to do sth Faulty wiring is thought to have caused the fire. 人们认为是线路故障引起了这场火灾。

1a used for saying that you are not completely certain about something (表示不完全确定某事)想,觉得

I think so ‘Is James coming tonight?’ ‘I think so, but I’ m not sure.’ “詹姆斯今晚会来吗?”“我想会的,但我不能肯定。”

+(that) I think he’ s arriving tomorrow. 我想他明天会到。

2  I/T  to have a particular opinion about someone or something 有…看法

think of sb/sth as sth Nobody seriously thought of him as a candidate for the job. 没人认真考虑过他作为这项工作的人选。

think sb sth I thought him a very nice young man. 我认为他是个非常不错的年轻人。

2a to admire and respect someone a lot 非常看重某人;对某人评价很高

Everyone there seems to think very highly of her. 那儿似乎人人都对她评价很高。

2b to dislike or be disappointed in someone because of how they behave 不喜欢某人;对某人失望

I hope you don’ t think badly of me for leaving. 我希望你不会因我离开而对我不满。

2c to decide that someone has good/bad qualities before you know them or understand their situation 把某人往好处/坏处想

Dan was a kind man, and always thought the best of people. 丹是个好人,并且总是把人往好处想。

Must you always think the worst of her? 你非要总是把她往坏处想吗?

2d to like or love someone very much 非常喜欢某人;非常爱某人

Dad’ s always thought the world of her. 爸爸一直非常疼爱她。

2e to not like someone or something very much 不大喜欢

I don’ t think much of Hajime’ s new girlfriend. 我不大喜欢哈吉姆的新女友。

3  I  to carefully consider facts in order to understand something , make a decision , or solve a problem 考虑;思考;思索;动脑子

Come on, think! There must be a solution. 快动脑子想啊!肯定有个解决办法的。

Let’ s stop and think before we do anything else. 让我们停下来,考虑好再采取行动。

+about I need to think seriously about their offer. 我要好好考虑一下他们的提议。

+of I’ ve got to think of a way to earn more money. 我得想个办法多挣点钱。

3a to have already considered something but not yet made a decision about it 在考虑做某事(但还没决定)

Sam’ s thinking of buying our car. 萨姆在考虑买我们的车。

3b to be unable to consider things carefully or correctly 想不清楚;头脑糊涂

‘I just can’ t think straight,’ she said, trying not to cry. “我就是想不清楚,”她强忍着眼泪说道。

3c to not be considering things as well as you usually do 头脑没有平时清楚;头脑有点混乱

I’ m sorry, I’ m just not thinking straight at the moment. 对不起,我现在脑子有点儿乱。

3d to consider facts and make decisions, instead of depending on someone else’ s judgment 自己作决定;独立思考

It’ s time she learned to think for herself. 是她学会独立思考的时候了。

4  I  to remember someone or something 想起;记起;回忆起

+of She thought of him often. 她经常想起他。

He could never think of the woman’ s name. 他再也想不起那个女人的名字。

+about She thought about him and decided to call. 她想起他并决定给他打电话。

think to do sth Did you think to ask about the delivery time? 你是否记得询问送货时间?

4a to consider someone and their needs or situation 想到;考虑到

+of It was kind of you to think of our daughter. 谢谢你考虑到了我们的女儿。

5  I/T  to have something in your mind 琢磨;寻思

I wasn’ t worried – I just thought, ‘Why is she doing that?’ 我不担心,我只是在琢磨,“她为什么那样做呢?”

I imagine we’ ll all be thinking the same things tonight. 我猜想我们今晚都将会想同样的事。

Were you thinking in terms of the entire test? 你是在琢磨整个考试吗?

5a to imagine something 设想;想象

+of/about Just think of what she’ s suffered! 想想她遭受的痛苦!

+that I never thought that I’ d end up working here. 我从没想过自己最后会在这里工作。

5b used for telling or helping someone to remember someone or something 想想(用于告诉或帮助他人记起某人或某事物)

Here’ s a clue: Think Liverpool. 给你一个提示,想想利物浦。

5c to say something as soon as it comes into your mind , without waiting to consider if it is sensible or useful 边想边说出声来;自言自语

Take no notice, I’ m just thinking out loud. 别当回事,我只是在自言自语而已。

-   come to think of it/thinking about it spoken
used for adding something to what you have said because you have just remembered something

Come to think of it, he did mention going to Toulouse. 我想起来了,他确实说过去图卢兹。

-   don’ t even think about/of doing sth spoken
used for telling someone that they must not do something

Don’ t even think about lying to me! 别想对我撒谎!

-   do you think...?
1 used for asking someone politely to do something (表示礼貌地请求)请您…好吗?

Do you think you could pass me my bag? 请您把我的包递给我,好吗?

2 used for asking someone’ s opinion (询问对方意见)你觉得…?

Do you think we’ ll get this finished on time? 你觉得我们会按时完成吗?

-   I can’ t hear myself think spoken
used for saying that there is too much noise

I can’ t hear myself think with that loud music playing. 播放的音乐吵得不得了。

-   if sb thinks sth, they have another think coming spoken
used for saying that someone believes they know what will happen , but they are wrong

If she thinks I’ ll help her, she has another think coming. 要是她以为我会帮她,那她就错了。

-   I thought as much spoken
used for saying that you are not surprised that something is true

‘Dave and Susan have split up.’ ‘I thought as much.’ “戴夫和苏珊分手了。” “我早料到了。”

-   I thought (that) spoken
used as a polite way of suggesting something

I thought we’ d have a drink on the patio before dinner. 我提议我们晚餐前先在露台上喝点饮料。

-   I wasn’ t thinking/I didn’ t think spoken
used for saying that you are sorry that you have upset someone

I shouldn’ t have mentioned it. I’ m sorry, I wasn’ t thinking. 我不该提这事的。对不起,我疏忽了。

-   not think for a minute/moment (that)
used for saying that someone should not believe something

Don’ t think for a minute that I’ m jealous. 千万别以为我嫉妒了。

-   that’ s what you/they etc think spoken
used for saying that someone is wrong about something
-   thinkbetter of sth
to decide not to do something because you no longer think it is a good idea

He started to say something but thought better of it. 他开始说了些话,但决定还是不再说下去为好。

-   think nothing of doing sth
to do something that other people would find difficult to do or that other people think is strange

She thought nothing of travelling around the world alone. 她认为独自周游世界没什么大不了的。

-   think nothing of it spoken
used as a polite way of replying when someone says ‘thank you’
-   think on your feet
to have good ideas and make decisions quickly in a difficult situation

You have to think on your feet in this job. 做这项工作,你必须处事敏捷果断。

-   think outside the box AMERICAN
to find new ways of doing things, especially solving problems

Employees are encouraged to think outside the box and develop creative solutions. 鼓励员工们开拓新思路,研究出有创造性的解决方案。

-   think twice/again
1 to carefully consider whether what you are planning to do is a good idea 仔细考虑;三思

I’ d think twice before buying that car if I were you. 如果我是你,我就会仔细斟酌是否要买那辆车。

A visible alarm makes burglars think twice. 看得见的警报器会使窃贼们三思而后行。

2 to do something immediately , without considering whether it is a good idea 不加考虑(就做某事)

I didn’ t think twice – I accepted the job straight away. 我想都没想就马上接受了那份工作。

-   what/where/when do you think? spoken
used for asking for someone’ s opinion

What do you think about the new manager? 你觉得新经理怎么样?

When do you think they’ ll arrive? 你觉得他们什么时候会到?

-   what/who/where does sb think spoken
used in questions when you are upset or angry about something

Just who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁?

What do you think you’ re doing! 你以为你在干什么!

-   who would have thought...? spoken
used for showing that you are surprised about something

Who would have thought that John would get married? 谁想得到约翰会结婚呢?

-   you would think/I’ d have thought spoken
used when talking about something that you think should happen but has not happened

You’ d think he’ d visit his parents once in a while. 我本以为他会偶尔来看望一下父母。

ˌthink ˈback
to think about something that happened in the past 回想;回忆

I’ ve been trying to think back to that last evening. 我一直在努力回想最后的那个晚上。

ˌthink ˈout
to consider all the important facts in a situation before deciding or doing something (作决定或做事之前)仔细考虑

Think it out properly before you make a decision. 考虑周全之后再作决定。

ˌthink ˈover
to consider a problem or decision carefully 慎重思量;仔细考虑

Let’ s think over his proposal before we see him again. 让我们仔细考虑他的建议后再和他见面。

ˌthink ˈthrough
to consider the facts about something in an organized and thorough way 彻底而全面地考虑

Have you had time to think things through? 你有时间彻底考虑问题吗?

ˌthink ˈup
to invent or imagine something , especially an excuse 想出,编造出(尤指借口)

She’ d have to think up a good reason for being late. 她不得不为迟到编个像样的理由。





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