

单词 thing
thing ★★★
1  C  an object or item . This word is used when you cannot or do not want to refer to the object or item in a more specific way 东西,项目,事物(用于无法或不想具体指称某一物体时)

What’ s that thing over there on the table? 桌上的那个东西是什么?

I gave her a little thing for her birthday. 她生日时我送了件小东西给她。

It’ s one of those gadget things, isn’ t it? 这是那种小玩意儿,不是吗?

1a  C  an object that you are not familiar with or do not know much about (不熟悉或不了解的)事物,东西

It’ s a thing used for looking inside people’ s ears. 它是一种用来查看人耳内部的东西。

1b  plural  the objects that belong to a particular person or are used for a particular purpose (属于某人或用于某用途的)事物,东西

I’ ll pack my things for the trip tomorrow. 我明天打点行装。

1c  C  used when you are angry or for referring to an object you do not like (表示愤怒或指不喜欢的东西)烂东西,破烂玩意儿

Turn that thing off and do your homework! 把那破烂玩意儿关掉,做作业!

2  C  an action or activity 事情;活动

I have a lot of things to do today. 我今天有很多事要做。

I would have done the same thing in his situation. 要是我处在他的位置,我会采取同样的做法。

do the right thing I gave back the money. Did I do the right thing? 我把钱送回去了,这件事我做得对吗?

2a to perform an activity in the way you prefer and not in the way other people want or expect you to 按自己的意愿行事

I don’ t like organized tours because I can’ t do my own thing. 我不喜欢团体旅游,因为那样一来,我的行动就不自由了。

3  C  a situation or event 情形;事件

A funny thing happened to me today. 今天,在我身上发生了一件可笑的事。

I think we should just forget the whole thing. 我觉得我们应该把整件事忘掉。

kind/sort of thing She doesn’ t find that kind of thing funny. 她不觉得那种事有趣。

be onto a good thing (=in a good situation, job, arrangement etc) We’ re onto a good thing working here. 交好运;干轻松的工作;安排得很好

have a good thing going (=be enjoying a good situation) Brenda has a good thing going with her new bakery. 形势喜人

in all things Above all else, you must be honest in all things. 首先,你在任何情况下都必须诚实。

make a big thing out of sth (=behave as if something is more important, serious, dangerous etc than it really is) Don’ t make a big thing out of this – I just said I’ d be late! 夸大某事;对某事小题大做;大肆渲染某事

3a a situation or event that you cannot prevent or change 不可阻止的事;不可避免的事;无法改变的事

Injuries are just one of those things when you play rugby. 打橄榄球受伤是避免不了的。

3b used for saying that you are very angry or upset because you have a lot of problems to deal with (令人生气的事情)一个接着一个,没完没了
4  C  usually plural a fact or condition related to a particular situation , activity , person etc (和某一情形、活动、人等相关的)事实,条件,事务

The first thing I want is a hot bath. 我要做的第一件事就是洗个热水澡。

If you could change three things about your job, what would they be? 如果你能改变工作中的3件事,它们会是什么呢?

havewant things both ways (=avoid choosing between two different things) I’ d like to live close to the beach and close to my office, but I can’ t have things both ways. 两全其美

all good things come to an end/must pass Our vacation was great, but all good things come to an end. 我们的假期棒极了,但是美好的事情总会结束。

4a  C  used for referring to a particular aspect of a situation that you are making a comment about (被评论事物的)方面

The thing I really like about Theresa is her sense of humour. 真正让我喜欢特里萨的是她的幽默感。

the sadweirdfunny etc thing is The sad thing is, she never loved him. 悲哀的是她从来没爱过他。

it’ s a goodbad thing that It’ s a good thing that you don’ t need to work late. 你不用工作到很晚,这是件好事。

4b  plural  all of the aspects of a particular situation 形势;情况;局面

The police soon got things under control. 警方很快就把局面控制住了。

Try to see things from your wife’ s perspective. 试着从你妻子的角度来看问题。

all things considered All things considered, I think you’ ll be happier if you switch jobs. 考虑到各个方面,我觉得你换个工作会更快乐。

as things stand (=as they are) As things stand, it will be difficult to raise prices further. 从当前的情况看

put things (=describe or show a situation in a particular way) The official government report puts things quite differently. (以某种方式)描述,展现

4c  plural  used for talking about life in a general way (总称)生活情况,生活状况

Things have been getting better lately. 最近情况有所好转。

The government hasn’ t done much to change things in the countryside. 政府没下多大力气改变农村现状。

4d used as a general greeting when you meet someone 一切都好吗?(用作普通的问候用语)

I haven’ t seen you for years! Tell me, how are things? 几年没见了!告诉我,一切都好吗?

5  C  an aspect of life (生活的)方面

I’ ve become less concerned about material things. 我变得不那么关心物质生活了。

a thing of the past His financial worries were a thing of the past. 他的财务危机已成为过去。

6  C  an idea , comment , or piece of information 想法;评论;信息

There are some interesting things in your report. 你的报告里有一些有趣的想法。

I have few things to say to you. 我没什么要对你讲的。

If anyone asks you what I said, don’ t say a thing. 如果有人问起我说过什么,什么也不要说。

have things on your mind (=be thinking about them) I have a few things on my mind right now. 正在考虑事情

the last thing on sb’ s mind (=something that someone is not thinking about now) On holiday, work is the last thing on my mind. 不在某人考虑之列的事情

7  C  used for referring to other examples or details, especially when you cannot or do not want to refer to them in a more specific way (尤指不能或不想详述的)其他例子,其他细节

What other things did he say to you? 他还跟你说了些什么?

My parents send me money for food, rent, and other things. 父母寄钱给我买吃的、付房租以及支付其他费用。

‘Racism’ means different things to different people. “种族主义”这个词对不同的人来说意义不尽相同。

that kind/sort of thing We spent the day swimming, playing on the beach, and that kind of thing. 那天我们游了泳并在沙滩上玩耍,还有诸如此类的活动。

things like I need to get a few things like milk, bread, and eggs. 我必须弄一些牛奶、面包、鸡蛋之类的东西来。

8  C  spoken   a young person or animal that you like . This word is used for saying something nice to them or about them (招人喜欢的)年青人,小动物

You poor thing, you cut your finger. 你这可怜的小家伙,把自己的手指都给割破了。

Who’ s that pretty young thing I saw you with yesterday? 昨天和你在一起的那个年轻漂亮的姑娘是谁?

-   all things to all men/people
used for saying that someone is trying to please everyone , especially by doing many different things or by changing the way they behave when they are with different people
-   among other things
used for saying that there are other details, examples etc in addition to the ones you are mentioning
-   first thing
early in the morning

I’ ll do it first thing. 我一大早就会做这件事。

-   for one thing mainly spoken
used when you are explaining something for saying that the reason , detail , example etc you are giving is not the only one

Well, for one thing, I’ m not tall enough to play basketball. 这个嘛,一则我打篮球个儿不够高。

-   have a thing for/about informal
to have very strong feelings about someone or something , especially feelings that are unusual or unreasonable

I have a thing about flying in planes; it scares me. 我特别讨厌乘飞机,那使我感到恐惧。

-   it’ s one thing to..., it’ s another/a different thing to... mainly spoken
used for comparing two things when the second is much more important , serious , difficult etc than the first

It’ s one thing to forecast the weather, it’ s another thing to get it right! 预报天气是一回事,预报准确又是另外一回事了!

-   it’ s a...thing spoken
used for saying that something affects or involves a particular group of people and not others

You wouldn’ t understand, it’ s a girl thing. 你不会明白的,这是女孩子的事。

-   last thing
late at night , before you go to bed

I always check that all the doors are locked last thing. 我总是在睡前检查所有门是否都已上锁。

-   no such thing
used for emphasizing that something does not exist or did not happen

There’ s no such thing as a free advertisement. 没有免费广告这种事情。

-   one thing leads to another
used when you cannot or do not want to give a lot of details about how something happensThis expression is often used when you are talking about sex

We kissed, and, well, one thing led to another... 我们接吻,然后,嗯,我们就…。

-   (quite) the thing informal
very fashionable or popular

Baggy jeans have become quite the thing among teenagers. 宽松牛仔裤在青少年中变得相当流行。

-   see/hearthings
to think that you see or hear something that is not really there

There’ s nobody over there. I think you’ re seeing things. 那边没人,我想你见鬼了吧。

-   the thing is spoken
used for introducing an answer , comment , or explanation related to something that was just mentioned

‘Why didn’ t you invite me?’ ‘Well, the thing is, I didn’ t think you would want to come.’ “你为什么没邀请我呢?““哦,问题是我以为你不想来的。”

-   a thing or two informal
a few things

I need to get a thing or two at the shop. 我得到店里买些东西。

tell sb a thing or two (=tell someone why you are angry with them) The next time he calls I’ m going to tell him a thing or two. 教训某人;责备某人

-   what with one thing and another
used for referring to many different events in a way that is not specificYou use this expression in order to explain why something did or did not happen

What with one thing and another, I didn’ t get home until after midnight. 由于种种原因,我直到午夜过后才回家。

See also
done 2
equal 1




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