

单词 themselves
themselves ★★★
  Themselves is a reflexive pronoun , being a reflexive form of they . It can be used especially in the following ways:
themselves是反身代词,是they 的反身代词形式。尤有以下用法
  as an object that refers to the same people that are the subject of the sentence or that are mentioned somewhere earlier in the sentence用作宾语,复指句子的主语或该句中前面已经提及的人: They prepared themselves for the struggle ahead. 他们为未来的斗争做准备。 We ask people questions about themselves. 我们问了人们有关他们自己的问题。
  after a plural noun or the pronoun ‘they’ for emphasis用于复数名词或代词they的后面表示强调: It is the party leaders themselves who make the decisions. 是该政党领导人自己作的决定。
1 used for showing that the people or things that do something are also affected by it or involved in it 他们自己,她们自己,它们自己(用于表示做某事的人或物也受该事影响或参与该事)

They have no weapons to defend themselves. 他们没有武器来保护自己。

The Republicans are divided among themselves about how to spend the money. 共和党内部在这笔钱的使用问题上产生了意见分歧。

The couple had been saving up to buy themselves a house. 这对夫妇一直在为自己攒钱买房。

2 used for referring back to a group of people already mentioned in the same sentence 他们自己,她们自己(用于回指同句中已经提及的某一群人)

Dr Jeffers’ book should give readers a better understanding of themselves. 杰弗斯博士的书应该会使读者更清楚地了解自己。

2a used instead of ‘himself’ or ‘herself’ for referring back to a singular subject of a sentence , especially when the subject is a word such as ‘everyone’ , ‘someone’ , or ‘anyone’ 他自己,她自己(用于代替himself 或herself, 回指句中的单数主语,特别是当主语为everyone, someone或anyone时)

Everyone should just help themselves to the food. 大家应该自己夹菜。

3 used for emphasizing that a particular group of people are the ones you are referring to , and not any others 他们自己,她们自己(强调所指的是某一人群,而非其他人)

No one knows more about crime than the criminals themselves. 没人能比罪犯自己更了解犯罪了。

The two youths died in a fire that they themselves had started. 那两个年轻人死于他们自己引起的火灾中。

3a used for emphasizing that a particular group of people do something without help from anyone else 他们自己,她们自己(强调某一群人独力完成某事)

The kids prepared the whole breakfast themselves. 孩子们自己准备了全部的早餐。

-   (all) by themselves
1 alone 独自地

people who choose to live by themselves 选择独自生活的人们

Why were these two small children wandering about all by themselves? 为什么这两个小孩独自四处游荡呢?

2 without any help 全靠自己;独力地

It’ s a brilliant idea, and they thought it up all by themselves! 真是个好主意,而且全是他们自己想出来的呢!

-   (all) to themselves
used for saying that a particular group of people do not have to share something with anyone else

Mildred and Philip were able to get a table to themselves. 米尔德里德和菲利普弄到了一张他们两人独享的桌子。





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