a | plural the state of crying 哭泣 |
| in tears (=crying) I was left standing there in tears. 哭泣 |
| burst into tears (=start crying suddenly) She slammed the phone down and burst into tears. 忽然哭起来 |
| close/near to tears (=almost crying) I was near to tears when she said goodbye. 快哭了;几乎要哭出来 |
| on the verge of tears (=almost crying) Colin saw I was on the verge of tears. 快哭了;眼泪快要流出来 |
| fight back (the) tears (=try hard not to cry) She fought back the tears as she told us the dreadful news. 强忍着眼泪 |
| reduce/move sb to tears (=make someone cry) He was well known for reducing his staff to tears. 把某人弄哭/使某人感动得哭起来 |