

单词 table
table 1 ★★★
NOUN  C   
1 a piece of furniture that consists of a flat surface held above the floor , usually by legs 桌子

the kitchen/dining room table 厨房用桌/餐桌

They sat around a long table in the conference room. 他们围坐在会议室的长桌旁。

1a a table in a restaurant (餐馆的)饭桌

You’ d better call in advance to reserve a table for six. 你最好提前打电话预订一张6个座位的饭桌。

Ask for a table by the window. 要一张靠窗户的桌子。

1b the people sitting at a table 坐在桌旁的人

The whole table broke into applause. 全桌人都鼓起掌来。

1c to take away from a table all the dishes and the knives , forks, etc after people have finished eating (饭后)清理餐桌,整理餐桌
1d to put knives , forks, plates, etc on a table at each place where a person will eat (饭前)摆放餐具
2 a way of showing detailed pieces of information , especially facts or numbers, by arranging them in rows and lines across and down a page (尤指列有事实或数字的)一览表,表格

Table 6 shows that the number of murders has decreased by 30% during the last ten years. 表6表明近10年的凶杀案数量已经减少了30%。

2a a list that shows how well an organization , team , or player has been performing (机构、团队或队员表现情况的)一览表
2b a multiplication table

Have you learned your seven times table yet? 你学了7的乘法表了吗?

-   on the table
1 if a proposal or offer is on the table , someone has suggested it officially and people are considering it 被提交讨论的;被提到桌面上的
2 AMERICAN  if an idea or proposal is on the table , people are no longer discussing it at the moment , but they will discuss it again in the future 留待日后考虑的;被搁置的
-   turn the tables (on sb)
to succeed in gaining an advantage over someone who until now had an advantage over you




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