

单词 stuff
stuff 2 ★★
VERB  T   
1 to push something soft into a space or container 把(柔软的东西)塞进(空间或容器)

stuff sth into sth Alice quickly stuffed her clothes into a suitcase and left. 艾丽丝迅速地把她的衣服塞进手提箱后就走了。

2 to fill a container or space with something , especially something soft (尤指用柔软的某物)把(空间或容器)装满,填满

stuff sth with sth It’ s cheaper to stuff the pillows with foam than with feathers. 用泡沫材料填充枕头比用羽毛便宜。

2a to fill meat or vegetables with small pieces of another type of food (用另一种食物的碎块)将(肉或蔬菜)填满,装满

stuff sth with sth We could stuff the pasta with cheese and vegetables. 我们可以把奶酪和蔬菜包入面食。

2b to fill a dead animal’ s skin so that it looks alive 填塞(死兽的皮)以作标本;剥制(动物)的标本

Dad had that big fish he caught stuffed. 爸爸把他捕到的那条大鱼制成了标本。

-   stuff it impolite
used for telling someone you are very angry with them , and you are not interested in them or their suggestions

When she told me what the job was, I told her to stuff it. 当她告诉我这是一份什么样的工作时,我让她见鬼去吧。

-   stuff yourself/your face
to fill yourself with food until you are not hungry or feel ill

Every Christmas David stuffs himself. 每年圣诞节戴维都会吃撑着。





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