

单词 strong
strong ★★★
1 physically powerful and healthy 强壮的;健壮的;强健的

Are you strong enough to carry that heavy box? 你搬得动那个重箱子吗?

strong hands/arms/muscles 强有力的双手/壮实的手臂/强健的肌肉

2 produced with or using a lot of power or force 用劲的;用力的;有力的

a singer with a strong voice 嗓音宏亮的歌手

a strong punch/kick/blow 有力的一拳/一踢/一击

3 not easily broken , damaged, or destroyed 坚固的;牢固的;结实的

a strong fabric/adhesive/rope 牢固的织物/黏合剂/绳子

4 strong relationships are close and firmly established (关系)紧密的,牢靠的,稳固的

a strong friendship/marriage/partnership 深厚的友谊/稳固的婚姻/牢靠的伙伴关系

5 someone who is strong has confidence , determination , and emotional strength 坚定的;坚决的;坚毅的;坚强的

You’ ve got to be strong and not let their remarks bother you. 你得意志坚定,不要让他们的话干扰你。

6 good at doing or understanding something 优秀的;精通的;悟性高的

She’ s a strong swimmer. 她是一个优秀的游泳运动员。

6a of a good standard , and likely to succeed 实力强的

They have a very strong hockey team this year. 他们今年有一支非常强大的曲棍球队。

6b used about things you are good at 精通于(某事物)的

What are his strong and weak points (=the things he is best and worst at) ? 他的强项和弱项各是什么?

7 firmly believed or felt 深信不疑的;坚定的;(感觉)强烈的

I have particularly strong views on that subject. 我对于那个话题有着特别坚定的看法。

I have a strong feeling she’ s not coming back. 我有一种强烈的感觉,她不会回来了。

8 based on reason and supported by facts 有说服力的;强有力的;有理有据的

The government gave a strong argument in favour of increasing tuition fees. 政府给出有力的论据支持提高学费。

9 of a high degree or level 极大的;巨大的

There’ s a strong possibility that they’ ll marry in the spring. 他们极有可能在春季结婚。

10 able to produce a powerful effect 强效的;强烈的;激烈的

strong medicine 强效药

a strong smell/taste 强烈的气味/很浓的味道

I had to use strong language (=words that shock people) , but I think it worked. 我不得不使用激烈的言辞,但我想这还是管用的。

11 with a lot of influence and power 有很强的影响力的;强有力的

a strong leader/president 强有力的领导/总统

12 moving at a high speed 高速移动的

a strong wind/current 强风/急流

13 with good defences 防御牢固的;强大的

a strong fortress/army 坚不可摧的堡垒/强大的军队

14 strong light or strong colours are very bright (光线)强烈的;(色彩)浓重的,深的
15 clear and noticeable 明显的;显著的

He speaks French with a strong British accent. 他说的法语带有明显的英国口音。

She has very strong features (=you are likely to notice and admire her eyes, nose, and mouth) . 她有轮廓分明的动人容貌。

16 great in number 数量大的;众多的

There was a strong police presence (=a lot of police officers) at the demonstration. 示威游行时有许多警察在场。

16a used with a number to say how many people are in a group (与数词连用表示人数)多达…的,计有…的

The crowd was 10,000 strong. 人数多达10,000人。

-   (as) strong as an ox
someone who is as strong as an ox has a lot of physical strength
-   come on strong informal
to express yourself in a very determined and confident way

He can come on very strong with his political views. 他会言之凿凿地阐述自己的政治观点。

-   going strong
successful or healthy , and doing well

The company’ s going strong and we expect to do even better next year. 目前公司运作良好,我们期望来年做得更好。

My grandmother’ s 95 and still going strong. 我祖母已经95岁了,依然很硬朗。

-   strong nerves/stomach
the ability to deal with difficult or unpleasant situations

You’ ll need strong nerves to deal with the prosecuting lawyer. 你和起诉律师打交道需要有坚强的意志力。

Hospital casualty personnel must have strong stomachs. 医院急救人员必须意志坚强。

strongly  adv 




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