

单词 strip
strip 1 ★★
1  I/T  to take off all your clothes or another person’ s clothes 除去,脱光(自己或别人的衣服)

They all stripped and ran into the water. 他们都脱光了衣服,跑进水里。

Josh was stripped to the waist (=naked above the waist) . 乔希被脱光了上身的衣服。

strip naked The soldiers were forced to strip naked in freezing temperatures. 战士们被迫在刺骨的低温下脱光衣服。

1a  I  to take off your clothes as entertainment 表演脱衣舞

She made money stripping in bars. 她在酒吧表演脱衣舞挣钱。

2  T  to remove something that covers something 除去,剥去,剥掉(某物的覆盖物)

We spent the weekend stripping wallpaper. 我们把周末的时间花在剥墙纸上了。

strip sth off/from sth The wind had stripped the leaves from the trees. 风吹落了树上的叶子。

2a to remove sheets and other covers from a bed 拿掉(床上的床单和其他覆盖物)
3  T  to take something such as a machine apart 拆卸(机器等)
4  T  to take something away using force or authority (用武力或权力)剥夺,夺去

strip sb of sth They stripped the prisoners of weapons and cash. 他们收缴了俘虏的武器和现金。

4a to remove everything useful from a room or vehicle 拿走(室内或车辆上的)一切有用物品;将…洗劫一空

Thieves had stripped the car when police found it. 警察找到这辆汽车时,盗贼已将它洗劫一空。

ˌstrip aˈway
1 to remove something that covers something 除去,清除(某物的覆盖物)

Take care when stripping away old paint. 刮旧漆时当心一点。

2 to remove unnecessary things that hide what something is really like 去掉,揭除(不必要的掩饰物)

Strip away the jargon, and these ideas are just the same as the old ones. 去掉那些行话,这些想法就和原来的一模一样了。

ˌstrip ˈdown
1 to remove all or most of your clothes 脱掉,脱去(自己的全部或大部分衣服)

+to He stripped down to his underwear. 他脱得只剩下内衣。

2 to take something such as a machine apart 拆卸(机器等)

She completely stripped down the engine. 她把发动机完全拆开了。

ˌstrip ˈoff
1  I  spoken   to take off all your clothes 脱光(自己的衣服)
1a  T  to take off some of your clothes 脱掉(自己的部分衣服)

He stripped off his shirt and jumped in. 他脱掉衬衫,跳了进去。

2  T  to remove a layer or cover from something 除去,剥去,剥掉(某物的一层或覆盖物)

Men were stripping bark off the trees. 男人们在剥树皮。





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