

单词 string
string 1 ★★★
1  C/U  thin rope , usually made of twisted fibres and used for tying things together 线;细绳

a parcel tied with string 用细绳捆着的包裹

a piece of string 一根细绳

The balloon was attached to a long string. 气球系在一根长线上。

2  C  +of a group of similar or connected things 一连串,一系列(类似或相关的事物)

a string of islands 一串岛屿

A string of cars travelled up the narrow mountain road. 一长串汽车行驶在狭窄的山路上。

He owns a string of restaurants in Wales. 他在威尔士拥有连锁餐馆。

a string of questionsliesinsults I was confronted by a string of questions. 我面临着一连串的问题。

2a a series of similar or connected events that happen one after the other 一连串,一系列(接连发生的类似或相关事件)

A string of fires plagued the area last summer. 去年夏天这个地区遭受了一连串火灾。

The team had a string of 13 wins last season. 上个赛季该队连赢了13场。

2b a group of characters used in a computer program and treated as a single unit 串;字符串
3  C  one of several long pieces of nylon , wire , or another substance stretched across a musical instrument , and used for producing sounds (乐器上的)弦

guitar/violin/harp strings 吉他/小提琴/竖琴弦

3a  plural  the stringed instruments in an orchestra , or the people who play them (管弦乐队的)弦乐器,弦乐演奏者
4  C  any of the long thin pieces of plastic or other material stretched across the frame of a tennis racket or similar piece of sports equipment (网球拍或类似运动器械上的)弦
5  C  something long and thin that is similar to a string (类似细绳的)细长物

Strings of damp hair clung to her forehead. 几绺湿湿的头发紧贴在她的前额上。

6  C  a g-string
7  U  AMERICAN  a group of players of the same level of ability 线(指能力水平相当的一群选手)

first/second string He made the second string on the baseball team. 他在棒球队里是二线队员。

8 strings  plural  special conditions that limit an offer or agreement (提议或协议的)特殊条件,限制条件

If there are any strings involved, I’ m really not interested. 如果有任何限制条件,那我就真的没兴趣了。

no strings attached The money was given with no strings attached. 没有附带任何条件就给了钱。

-   have more than one string to your bow BRITISH
to have more than one plan , idea , or skill if the first one is not successful

To survive as an actor you need more than one string to your bow. 作为一名演员如果要生存就必须要多才多艺。

-   have sb on a string informal
to be able to control someone
See also
pull 1




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