/straɪd/ |
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| C a long confident step 大步;阔步 | In three strides he had crossed the room. 他迈了3大步就走到了房间的另一头。 | | a | singular a way of walking with long steps 大步的步态 | | an easy stride 轻松的大步步姿 | | | b | C the distance you go in one long step 步距;步幅 | | The horse was within strides of the winning post. 这匹马距终点只有几步之遥了。 | | | c | singular the speed at which you walk or run 步速 | | He managed to maintain his stride. 他设法保持住步速。 | | |
- | get into/hit your stride |
| to begin to do something confidently and well |
| 开始上轨道;开始满怀信心地做 |
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| He soon got into his stride and produced several more books. 他很快就上了轨道,又接着出版了几本书。 |
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- | make strides |
| to make progress towards a goal |
| 取得进步;取得进展 |
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| Medical science has made great strides in tackling infertility. 医学在治愈不育症方面已取得很大的进展。 |
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- | put sb off their stride |
| to upset or trouble someone |
| 使某人不安;使某人分心 |
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| He wasn’ t going to let a bit of heckling put him off his stride. 他不会因为一点点起哄就让自己乱了阵脚。 |
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- | take sth in your stride |
| to not be upset or troubled by something |
| 从容处理某事 |
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| I told her what had happened and she took it all in her stride. 我告诉了她发生的事情,她完全从容地去应对。 |
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