

单词 store
store 1 ★★★
NOUN  C   
1 AMERICAN  a large shop 大商店

a DIY store 自助商店

Complaints should be addressed to the store manager. 投诉应该向商店的经理提出。

1a relating to a store 大商店的
1b a shop of any size 商店;店铺
2 a supply of something that is kept to be used later 储备

a store of food for the winter 冬天的食物储备

2a a place where a supply of something is kept until it is needed 仓库

The building was used as a weapons store. 这座建筑曾被用作武器库。

3 stores  plural  supplies of food and equipment used by an army (军队的)补给品,军需品
3a the place where these supplies are kept 补给品仓库
4 a large amount of something that is kept in your memory (头脑中的)大量储备

She has acquired such a vast store of knowledge. 她已有这么多的知识储备。

-   in store
if something is in store for you , it will happen to you in the future

lie in store None of us knew what lay in store. 我们谁也不知道等待我们的将是什么。

-   set/put/lay great store /by/on sth
to think that something is very important

I’ ve never set much store by money and possessions. 我从来不认为金钱和财产有多么重要。





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