

单词 stick
stick 1 ★★★
1  T  stick sth in/into/through/up etc sth to push something long and thin into or through something else 把…插入

He stuck the end of the post in the soft ground. 他把杆子的末端戳进软软的地面。

She stuck her knitting needles into a ball of wool. 她把毛衣针插进一团毛线球里。

a piece of cloth with a pin stuck through it 插着大头针的一块布

1a  I  +in/into/throughif something sticks in , into , or through something else , its end remains pushed into or through it 扎进;戳入

The knife missed its target and stuck in the door. 刀子没有刺中目标,戳到了门上。

Something sharp was sticking into my back. 有什么锋利的东西正在扎进我背里。

A broken spring was sticking through the mattress. 一个断弹簧扎穿了床垫。

1b  T  stick sth on/onto sthto push something onto something with a sharp point so that it is held there 把…插在…的尖部

She stuck the bread on the end of the toasting fork. 她把面包插在烤叉尖上。

2  T  stick sth on/in/into/under/to etc sth to fix one thing to another , especially using a sticky substance such as glue (尤指用胶水等黏性物质)粘,粘贴

We stuck the articles in a scrapbook. 我们把这些文章粘在剪贴本上。

I licked the stamp and stuck it on the envelope. 我舔了一下邮票,把它粘在信封上。

She was sticking posters on her bedroom wall. 她正在卧室的墙壁上贴招贴画。

stick sth together Can you stick the pieces of this vase back together? 你能把这花瓶的碎片重新粘回到一起吗?

2a  I  to become fixed to something , especially by means of a sticky substance (尤指用黏性物质)粘住,贴住

+to The pasta has stuck to the bottom of the pan. 面条粘在锅底了。

He was boiling hot and his jacket was sticking to his back. 他热极了,上衣都贴在了后背上。

3  T  stick sth in/on/around etc sth informal   to put something somewhere quickly and without taking much care 随意放置

Ned stuck his hands in his pockets. 内德把手插进衣兜里。

Just stick the plates in the sink for now. 把盘子放在水槽里就行了。

He stuck his head round the kitchen door and said goodbye. 他从厨房门后探出头来道别。

stick sth in the air The dog rolled on its back and stuck its legs in the air. 那条狗四脚朝天在地上打滚儿。

4  I  to become firmly fixed in one position , and therefore difficult or impossible to move 卡住;钉入

The door is sticking, so just give it a good push. 门卡住了,使劲推一下。

+in/under/at etc The wheels had stuck in the mud. 轮子陷在泥里了。

5  T  BRITISH  informal   to continue to the end of a difficult or unpleasant situation 把…坚持下去;继续应付(困境)

I don’ t know how she’ s stuck that job this long. 我不知道她是怎么坚持那么久做那份工作的。

6  I  if a new name for someone or something sticks, it becomes accepted and used by everyone (名字)被接受,叫开

He’ d been called ‘Tufty’ at school, and the name had stuck. 在学校里有人叫他“毛头”,后来这个名字就叫开了。

7  I  to decide that you do not want any more cards in some card games (纸牌戏中)决定不再要牌

Are you sticking? 你不再要牌了吗?

-   sb can stick sth impolite
used for saying very angrily that you do not want something that you have been given or are being offered

You can stick your rotten job! 不稀罕你的破工作!

tell sb where they can stick sth/where to stick sth I told them where they could stick their tiny pay rise. 我告诉他们我不稀罕他们那点儿加薪。

-   can’ t stick BRITISH very informal
to hate someone or something

I really can’ t stick her brother. 我真的很讨厌她的兄弟。

-   make sth stick informal
to get enough evidence to prove that someone is guilty of a crime

The police will never make those charges stick. 警方永远都不会收集到足够的证据使那些指控成立。

-   stick in your mind/memory
if something sticks in your mind , you do not forget it easily
-   stick in your throat
1 a fact or situation that sticks in your throat is very annoying and difficult to accept 使耿耿于怀;使难以接受

The thing that sticks in my throat is the way they told us the news! 使我耿耿于怀的是他们告诉我们这消息的方式!

2 if words stick in your throat , you cannot say them because of the strong emotion you are feeling (因情绪激动而)说不出话
ˌstick aˈround
to remain in a place for longer than you originally intended , especially in order to wait for something to happen (尤指为等候某事发生而)呆在附近,逗留
ˈstick at
stick at sth: to continue to work at something difficult or unpleasant in a determined way 坚持不懈

Just stick at it and I’ m sure it’ ll get easier. 只要继续下去,坚持我相信事情会变得容易一些。

a to do whatever is necessary , even something illegal , in order to achieve your aim 为达目的不择手段

He’ ll stick at nothing to get what he wants. 他会为了得到他想要的东西而不择手段。

ˈstick by
1 stick by sb: to continue to support someone who is in a difficult situation 继续支持(困境中的某人)
2 stick by sth: to do something that you promised or decided that you would do 信守(诺言);坚持(决定)

The head teacher is sticking by his decision to retire next year. 校长坚持他明年就退休的决定。

ˌstick ˈdown
to write something quickly and without taking much care (匆匆)写下

Just stick your details down on a piece of paper and I’ ll get back to you. 把详情写在一张纸上,回头我再找你。

ˈstick on
stick sth on sb: to say that someone is responsible for something bad 把(坏事)归罪于(某人)

Don’ t try and stick the blame for this mess on me! 别想把这种混乱局面归罪于我。

ˌstick ˈout
1  I  to continue further than the end of a surface or the main part of an object 伸出;探出

+of A magazine was sticking out of his coat pocket. 他大衣口袋里露出一本杂志。

+from A pair of feet stuck out from under the blanket. 从毯子底下伸出了一双脚。

+through His bony elbows stuck out through holes in his jacket. 他瘦瘦的胳膊肘从上衣的破洞里露了出来。

sb’ s ears/teeth stick out The photo showed Edward with very short hair and his ears sticking out. 照片上爱德华留着短发,耳朵支棱着。

2  T  to push or stretch something forwards or away from you , especially a part of your body 把(尤指身体的某一部位)伸出

He stuck his chest out proudly as he stepped onto the stage. 他走上台的时候骄傲地挺起胸。

Ben stuck out his tongue at Pearson (=as an insult) . 本向皮尔逊吐舌头。

stick sth out of sth She stuck her arm out of the car window and waved. 她把胳膊伸到车窗外挥了挥手。

stick sth out from sth Alice stuck her head out from under the duvet. 艾丽斯从羽绒被下伸出头来。

3  I  to be easy to notice or remember because of being unusual or different 明显;突出

One face in particular stuck out of the crowd. 有一张脸在人群中很显眼。

3a to be very obvious or noticeable 很明显;显而易见

It sticks out a mile that she’ s in love with him. 很明显,她爱上了他。

3b to be very clearly different from everyone or everything else 显得极为突出;显得不伦不类

You stick out like a sore thumb in that uniform. 你穿上那身制服显得有点不伦不类。

4  T  very informal   to continue doing something difficult or unpleasant to the end 继续做,坚持做(困难或不愉快的事情)

stick it out It was a tough course, but we stuck it out. 这门课程很难,但我们坚持下来了。

-   stick your neck out informal
to take a risk by saying or doing something that could be wrong or make other people react angrily
ˌstick ˈout for
stick out for sth: to be determined to get what you want or need , and not be willing to accept anything less 坚持要求(或索求)

The workers are sticking out for a 6% pay rise. 工人们坚持要求6%的加薪。

ˈstick to
1 stick to sth: to do something that you promised or decided you would do , or that you believe you should do 信守;遵守;坚守

We said we’ d give her the cash, and we must stick to our agreement. 我们说过会给她现金,我们就必须信守我们的约定。

stick to the rules (=obey the rules) If everyone sticks to the rules, we shouldn’ t have any problems. 遵守规则

2 stick to sth: to continue to do or use one particular thing and not change it or stop it for any period of time 坚持;不改变

I think we should stick to our original plan. 我想我们应该坚持我们最初的计划。

stick rigidly/resolutely to sth (=without changing or stopping) If you stick rigidly to your diet, you will lose weight. 严格坚持某事

2a stick to sthto talk or write about one particular thing only 不离题;忠于

‘Forget your opinions - just stick to the facts’ , said Mel impatiently. “不要加入你的观点,要忠于事实”,麦尔不耐烦地说。

I do wish you’ d stick to the point. 我非常希望你不要离题。

stick to doing sth Writers should stick to writing about things they know about. 作家应该坚持写他们熟悉的东西。

3 stick to sth: to continue to follow a particular path , especially in order to avoid danger or getting lost (尤指为避免遇到危险或迷路而)一直沿着(某条路走)
4 stick to sb: to stay very close to someone and follow them wherever they go 紧跟着(某人)

stick close to sb Moore stuck close to the race leader until the last lap. 穆尔紧跟着领跑者,直到最后一圈。

-   stick to your guns informal
to refuse to change what you are saying or doing despite the opposition or criticism of other people
-   stick to your story informal
to refuse to change your account of an event or situation , especially when it is not true or when people doubt it
ˌstick toˈgether
if people stick together , they remain close together and support one another (人们)团结一致,互相支持
ˌstick ˈup
1  I  to continue upwards further than the end of a surface or the main part of an object 翘起;竖起;突起

You’ ve got a bit of hair sticking up at the back. 你后面的头发有点翘。

The oil rig stuck up out of the darkness. 石油钻塔耸立在黑暗中。

2  T  informal   to raise something upwards , especially your arm or hand 将(尤指手臂或手)举起来

Maggie stuck up her hand to answer the question. 玛吉举手回答问题。

3  T  MAINLY AMERICAN  very informal   to steal money or goods from a person or place using a gun 持枪抢劫

an attempt to stick up a local bank 持枪抢劫当地银行的企图

-   stick ’ em up mainly AMERICAN spoken
if someone with a gun tells you to stick ’ em up , they are ordering you to raise your arms above your head , usually because they are going to steal money or goods from you
ˌstick ˈup for
stick up for sb/sth: to speak in support of a person or an idea , belief , or plan , especially when no one else will 为…辩护,维护(尤指当别人都不愿这样做时)

Don’ t worry, the family will stick up for you. 不要担心,家人会支持你。

stick up for yourself I don’ t need any help, thanks. I can stick up for myself. 我不需要任何帮助,多谢。我会为我自己辩护的。

ˈstick with
1 stick with sb: to stay close to someone and go with them wherever they go , especially so that they can help or protect you (尤指为获得帮助或保护而)紧紧跟着某人

Stick with me and you’ ll be all right. 紧紧跟住我,这样你就不会有事的。

2 stick with sth: to continue to do or use something , and not change it 坚持;不改变

They’ re going to stick with the same team as last Saturday. 他们将继续支持上周六的那支球队。

stick with it We had a tough time for a few years, but we stuck with it. 我们曾经有过几年困难时期,但我们坚持下来了。

3 stick with sb: if something sticks with you , you continue to remember it clearly (使某人)深深记住,不能忘却

It was a moment that has stuck with me for years. 那是我多年来不能忘却的时刻。





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