

单词 stalk
stalk 2
1  I  +off/out/away etc: to walk in a way that shows you feel angry or offended (生气地)大踏步走

He shook his head in disgust and stalked off, muttering. 他反感地摇了摇头,嘴里咕哝着大踏步地走了。

2  T  to hunt a person or animal by following them without being seen 悄悄地跟踪捕猎

She watched a cat stalking a bird in the garden. 她看着花园里一只猫悄悄地跟着一只鸟。

Gunmen stalked and killed several political activists. 枪手们悄悄地跟踪并杀害了几位政治活动家。

3  T  to follow and watch someone all the time in a threatening way , because of an extremely strong interest in them 跟踪

He had continued stalking her despite a warning from the police. 他不顾警方的警告继续跟踪她。

The princes complained of being stalked by photographers wherever they went. 王子们抱怨无论他们去哪儿都受到摄影师们的跟踪。

4  T  literary   to move around in a place in a dangerous , harmful , or threatening way 出没;作祟

the murderer who was stalking the village 在村庄出没的凶手

4a if something unpleasant or dangerous stalks a place , it affects the people there 蔓延

Plague stalked the streets of London. 瘟疫在伦敦的各条街道蔓延着。





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