

单词 spoil
spoil ★★
1  T  to affect something in a way that makes it worse , less attractive , or less enjoyable 损坏;糟踏;毁掉;破坏

Radio towers spoilt the view. 无线电发射塔破坏了风景。

The whole show was spoiled by the lack of decent actors. 整个表演都因为没有像样的演员而弄得很糟。

I really hope it doesn’ t rain – that would spoil everything. 我真的不希望下雨,那会毁了一切。

2  T  to always allow a child to have or do everything they want , so that they learn to think only of themselves 宠坏;惯坏;溺爱

Stop saying yes all the time – you’ re spoiling her. 不要总是说“好的”,你在溺爱她。

spoil sb rotten (=spoil them very much) His mother spoils him rotten. 非常溺爱某人

3  I  if food spoils , it becomes unsafe to eat because it is too old (食物)变质

We’ d better eat the fish before it spoils. 我们最好在鱼变质之前把它吃掉。

4  T  to treat someone with a lot of care and kindness 精心照顾

It’ s Mother’ s Day – let them spoil you a little! 今天是母亲节,就让他们好好照顾照顾你吧!

5  T  BRITISH  to mark a voting paper so that it will not be officially accepted , usually to show that you are unhappy about the election (通常为表示对选举不满而)使(选票)作废
-   be spoiled by sth
to have or be able to use something that is special or unusual , so that you miss having it when it is not there

We were spoiled by all the great restaurants we had to choose from in London – it’ s not quite the same here. 我们的胃口都让伦敦的那些大饭店给惯坏了,这里就不太一样了。

-   be spoiling for a fight/conflict/clash
to want to fight or argue with someone
-   spoil sb’ s chances
to make it impossible for someone to achieve something that they could have achieved fairly easily

A shoulder injury spoiled his chances of victory in the finals. 肩伤使他错过了在决赛中取胜的机会。





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