

单词 sorry
sorry ★★★
1 ashamed , embarrassed , or unhappy about something that you have done 抱歉的;难过的;懊悔的

Tell your sister you’ re sorry! 告诉你姐姐你很抱歉!

+(that) I’ m sorry I behaved in such a childish way. 我为自己幼稚的行为感到抱歉。

+for He wasn’ t sorry for hitting the other boy. 他没有为打了另一个孩子而懊悔。

1a feeling sadness or sympathy for someone because something bad has happened to them 伤心的;难过的

+about I’ m sorry about your losing your job. 你丢了工作,我感到很难过。

sorry to hear (that) I am sorry to hear that your father died. 听说你的父亲去世了,我很难过。

1b disappointed about a situation , and wishing you could change it 抱歉的;遗憾的

+(that) I’ m sorry you have decided to leave the company. 你决定离开公司,我感到很遗憾。

We’ re sorry you weren’ t happy with our service. 你对我们的服务不满意,我们感到抱歉。

2 used for emphasizing how bad , stupid , or embarrassing something is 拙劣的;糟糕的

That’ s the sorriest excuse I’ ve ever heard. 那是我听过的最拙劣的借口。

a sorry business/mess/state (=an unpleasant or difficult situation) If it weren’ t for you, I wouldn’ t be in this sorry mess. 糟糕的工作/一团糟/令人不快的情形

2a used for emphasizing that something is so bad it makes you feel sympathy 可怜的;可悲的

What a sorry sight they were! 他们多可怜哪!

-   feel sorry for sb
1 to feel sympathy for someone because they are in a difficult or unpleasant situation 同情某人

I feel sorry for the guys who have to work double shifts. 我很同情那些两班倒的人。

2 to feel sad about your life rather than trying to do things that could make you feel better 觉得自己倒霉;自我怜悯

Instead of sitting around feeling sorry for yourself, go out and socialize. 与其坐在这里自我怜悯,不如走出去适应社会。

-   I’ m sorry/Sorry spoken
1 used for telling someone you are ashamed or unhappy about something you have done that has hurt or upset them 对不起(用于表示歉意)

I’ m sorry – I shouldn’ t have blamed you. 对不起,我不应该责备你。

Sorry, I didn’ t mean to step on your foot. 对不起,我不是故意踩你的脚的。

2 used in a social situation as a way of asking someone to forgive you for doing something rude , embarrassing etc 请原谅,对不起(用于在社交场合因粗鲁、尴尬的举动等请求别人谅解)

Sorry, I should have phoned to let you know I’ d be late. 请原谅,我应该打个电话告诉你我会晚些到。

+about I’ m sorry about the misunderstanding. 我为产生的误解感到抱歉。

3 used for politely interrupting someone , especially to ask them a question (尤用于礼貌地提出问题时)对不起,打扰一下

Sorry, do you know the time? 打扰一下,你知道几点了吗?

+for I’ m sorry for the intrusion, but you have a phone call. 很抱歉,打扰一下,有你的电话。

4 used for politely asking someone to repeat something they have said (用于礼貌地请求对方重复说过的话)不好意思

I’ m sorry, what was your name again? 不好意思,请再说一遍,你叫什么?

5 used for interrupting yourself to correct a mistake you have made while speaking 不对,应当是(用于纠正自己话中的错误)

You need to catch the number 3, sorry, the number 23 bus to Market Street. 你应当乘坐3路,不对,是23路公共汽车到市场路。

6 used for politely disagreeing with someone’ s opinion 抱歉,对不起(用于礼貌地表示不同意某人的看法)

I’ m sorry but I don’ t see how you expect us to finish by lunchtime. 对不起,不过我不明白你怎么会希望我们午餐前完成。

-   I’ m sorry to say/report spoken
used for talking about something bad or disappointing that has happened

We’ re going to have to lay off 100 employees, I’ m sorry to say. 我们必须要裁掉100名雇员,很抱歉。





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