

单词 sore
sore 1
1 painful and uncomfortable , usually as a result of an injury , infection , or too much exercise (因受伤、感染或运动过量而)痛的,疼痛的

I always feel stiff and sore after gardening. 干完园艺活之后我总是感到身体僵硬、肌肉酸痛。

Her eyes were sore from studying all night. 整夜学习之后她的眼睛疼了起来。

a sore throat 嗓子疼

2 MAINLY AMERICAN  informal   angry or offended 恼怒的;不高兴的

Helen was still feeling sore about what had happened. 海伦还在为发生的事生气。

3 only before noun mainly literary   greatused for emphasizing that something is very serious or that it upsets you a lot 非常,极度(用于强调某事非常严重或令人极其心烦)

a sore temptation/disappointment 极大的诱惑/极度的失望

-   a sore point/spot/subject
something that makes you upset , angry , or embarrassed when someone mentions it

Don’ t mention her divorce – it’ s a bit of a sore point. 别提她离婚的事,这是个让她伤心的话题。

-   stick/stand out like a sore thumb
to be very noticeable because of being different

Any stranger to the town sticks out like a sore thumb. 镇上来了任何陌生人都很显眼。

See also
sight 1




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