

单词 sometime
sometime ★★
  Sometime is used in the following ways:
  as an adverb 用作副词: The shop will open sometime next year. 这家商店会在明年的某个时间开业。
  as an adjective (only before a noun)用作形容词(仅用于名词前): Bill Veeck, sometime baseball team owner 比尔·维克,一度曾是棒球队老板。
  In British English, sometime can also be written as some time when it is used as an adverb.
在英国英语中,sometime 用作副词时也可以写作 some time。
1 at a time in the past or the future that you do not know exactly or have not yet decided 某个时候

I’ d love to visit Norway sometime. 我想有朝一日能游览挪威。

The album is expected to be released sometime next year. 唱片预计明年的某个时间发行。

Ewan returned from London sometime last Tuesday afternoon. 埃文是上个星期二下午的某个时候从伦敦返回的。

2 only before noun used for showing what someone used to be , for example what their job , status , or relationship was in the past 一度的;以前的

The article was written by William Watson, sometime literary editor of ‘The Scotsman’ . 该文章是威廉·沃森写的,他以前担任过《苏格兰人》的文学编辑。





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