

单词 something
something ★★★
1 used for referring to a thing , idea , fact etc when you do not know or say exactly what it is 某事物;某种东西

I could smell something burning. 我能闻到有东西烧糊了。

Carl said something about an operation. 卡尔说了点关于手术的事情。

Whenever she sees something that she likes, she goes and buys it. 每当她看到了喜欢的东西,她就会去买下来。

Her brother is something in advertising (=he has a job in advertising) . 他的哥哥在从事广告工作。

something important/better/wrong/special etc Be quiet – I have something important to tell you. 请安静,我有重要的事情要告诉你们。

Jake looks pale – is there something wrong with him? 杰克脸色苍白—他生病了吗?

something else (=something different) I’ d love to quit my job and do something else with my life. 其他的事情;别的东西

something to eat/drink/wear (=food, drink, or clothes) Would you like something to drink? 吃的/喝的/穿的东西

something to do (=an activity) There’ s always something to do at the farm. 要做的事情

something or other He’ s always complaining about something or other. 他总是抱怨这抱怨那的。

1a used for referring to any of a group of things or possibilities without being specific …或诸如此类的东西;…什么的

We should at least call or something and make sure she’ s all right. 我们至少应该打个电话什么的,以确认她没事。

He works as an investment banker or something like that. 他是个投资银行家什么的。

2 used for giving a description that is not exact or that you are not certain of 某事物

something like They say creating a work of art is something like giving birth. 他们说创作一件艺术品就像生孩子一样。

The house looks something like a medieval fortress. 这所房子看起来像是中世纪的城堡。

something between The look on Max’ s face was something between puzzlement and anger. 麦克斯脸上的表情既有点不解又有点生气。

2a used for giving an amount that is not exact or that you are not certain of 大约;将近

something like The building is going to be something like 12 storeys tall. 这幢楼将有大约12层高。

something between/around He’ s earning something between £20,000 and £25,000 a year. 他的收入大约在20000到25000英镑之间。

An average house in the area costs something around £80,000. 这个地区一幢普普通通的房子要花费大约80000英镑。

3 spoken   used when you cannot remember the rest of someone’ s name , the rest of a number , the words of a song etc …什么的;什么什么(用于表示不记得人名、数字的余下部分或歌词等)

I can’ t remember his name – Harry something, I think. 我记不住他的名字了,我想是叫哈里什么什么。

The account number was four-two-three-something-something-five. 账号是4-2-3 什么什么 5。

-   be really/quite something spoken
to be very impressive

You should see the summer exhibition – it’ s quite something! 你应该看看那个夏季展览,真是不错!

We took the new super-fast train, and that was really something. 我们乘坐了新型超快列车,那真是快极了。

What Noreen’ s done with the business is quite something. 诺琳把生意打理得真是不错。

-   be something of a
1 used for emphasizing that someone is fairly good at something or has a fairly good knowledge of something 可以说是;可以算得上

My grandmother was something of a poet. 我奶奶可以称得上是个诗人。

Jill considers herself to be something of an environmentalist. 吉尔认为她自己可以算得上是一个环境保护主义者。

2 used for showing that you are not being very definite in the way you are describing someone or something 有点儿

Woods’ s performance in the tournament was something of a disappointment. 伍兹在锦标赛上的表现有点令人失望。

-   do something
to take action in order to deal with a situation

Don’ t just stand there – do something! 别光站在那儿,做点什么! 

I wish I could have done something to help those poor children. 要是我能为那些穷孩子做些什么就好了。

+about Why doesn’ t the government do something about the rising fuel prices? 政府为什么不采取措施控制燃料价格的上升呢?

-   have something to do with
used for saying that something is related to something else , especially when you do not know or do not give the exact details

I can’ t always open my emails – it has something to do with the type of attachment they come with. 我不是每次都能打开我的电子邮件,这同邮件的附件类型有关。

-   make something of yourself informal
to become successful through your own efforts

I wanted to prove to my family that I could make something of myself. 我想向我的家人证明我能有所成就。

-   something for nothing informal
if someone gets something for nothing , they get what they want without any payment , work , or effort
-   that’ s saying something mainly spoken
used for emphasizing that what you have said is more extreme than it seems

Chloe is even more beautiful than her sister, and that’ s saying something. 克洛伊比她的姐姐还漂亮,这还只是保守地说说。

-   that’ s something spoken
used for saying that there is one fact that you are pleased about in a situation that is not satisfactory

She may not be the best worker, but she always tries hard, and that’ s something. 她可能不是最好的工人,但她总是很努力,这一点还算令人满意。

‘I’ ve only enough money for basic necessities.’ ‘Well, that’ s something.’ “我的钱只够买基本的生活必需品。”“哦,那也不错。”

-   there is something about
used for saying that someone or something has a particular quality but you are not certain what it is

There was something about his face that reminded me of my uncle. 他的脸上什么地方使我想起了我的叔叔。

There’ s something about Christmas that makes everyone behave like children. 圣诞节有某种东西使每个人的行为都变得像孩子一样。

there is something strange/peculiar/funny etc about There was something rather strange about the way he talked. 他说话的方式有点儿奇怪。

-   there is something in sth
used for saying that there are true facts or important ideas in what someone says

A lot of people support Katz’ s theory, so there must be something in it. 很多人都支持卡兹的理论,那它一定有些道理。

I think there may be something in his story – anyway, I’ ll question him further. 我想他的话中可能有些道理;不管怎样,我会进一步询问他的。

See also
little 2
up 1
do with




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