

单词 some
some ★★★
strong /sʌm/
  Some can be used in the following ways:
some 有以下用法
  as a determiner (followed by an uncountable noun)用作限定词(后接不可数名词): I’ ll make some coffee. 我来弄些咖啡。 (followed by a plural noun)后接复数名词: She brought me some flowers. 她给我带来了一些花。 (followed by a singular countable noun)后接单数可数名词: She married some guy she met on the boat. 她和在船上遇见的一个人结婚了。
  as a pronoun (without a following noun)用作代词(后不接名词): The cake’ s wonderful. Won’ t you have some? 蛋糕好吃极了,你不吃点儿吗? Many fought and some died in the struggle. 很多人参加了战斗,有一些阵亡了。 (followed by ‘of’ )后接of: Some of the apples were rotten. 有些苹果腐烂了。
  as an adverb (followed by a number)用作副词(后接数词): The car stopped some twenty-five yards from where we were standing. 汽车在离我们站的地方大约25码处停了下来。 (after a verb in American English)美国英语中置于动词之后: His condition had worsened some. 他的情况有些恶化了。
1 an amount or number
used for referring to an amount of something or a number of people or things, without saying how much or how many 一些;某些

Let me give you some advice. 我来给你点建议。

Tomatoes were only five francs a kilo, so I bought some. 西红柿每公斤才5法郎,所以我买了一些。

The result came as a surprise to some. 这个结果让有些人大吃一惊。

some more I just wanted some more information about language courses. 我只是想了解关于语言课程的更多信息。

some few/little It will take some little time for her to recover. 她得花些时间才能康复。

Some few days later Arthur received a reply to his letter. 好几天后阿瑟收到了回信。

2 part of an amount or number
used for showing that you are only referring to part of an amount , group , or number and not all of it 一些;若干;一部分

+of I’ ve forgotten some of the details. 有些细节我已经忘记了。

Some of you may know the story of Rip Van Winkle. 你们有些人可能知道《瑞普·凡·温克尔》的故事。

some...others Some kids are more adventurous than others. 有些孩子比其他孩子更喜欢冒险。

some...some Some people like pigeons and some don’ t. 有些人喜欢鸽子,而有些人则不喜欢。

3 a fairly large amount or number
used for emphasizing that you are talking about a fairly large amount of something or a fairly large number of people or things 相当;不少

We’ ve been waiting here for some time already. 我们已经在这儿等了些时候了。

He left Cranfield some years ago and hasn’ t been heard of since. 好几年前他离开了克兰菲尔德,从那以后再无消息。

It took some courage to speak out against her employer. 公然反对她的老板是需要些勇气的。

4 used for referring to a person or thing without being specific
used for referring to a person or thing without knowing or without saying exactly which one 某个(用于表示不确指的人或事物)

There must have been some mistake. 一定是出了什么差错。

Some fool drove into the back of my car. 有个傻瓜撞到了我的车尾。

some...or other For some reason or other they didn’ t stamp my passport. 基于某些原因,他们没有在我的护照上盖戳。

5 used before a number that is not exact
used for showing that you are guessing a number 大约

York is a historic city of some 110,000 people. 约克是座历史名城,约有110000人口。

Marion died in hospital some ten days later. 大约10天后玛丽昂在医院死亡。

6 spoken   used for showing approval
used for describing someone or something that you think is very good or impressive 极好的;相当不错的

That’ s some view you get from up there! 上面的风景好极了!

That was some wedding – there must have been a thousand people there. 那才叫婚礼呢,一定有1000人参加了。

7 AMERICAN  very informal   to a small degree
used for saying that something happens to a certain degree but not very much 几分;稍微

They criticized me personally, and that hurt me some. 他们对我进行了个人攻击,这有些伤害了我。

I’ m feeling some better. 我感觉好点了。

-   and then some spoken
used for emphasizing that there is more in addition to what you have mentioned

The house must have cost half a million dollars and then some. 这房子一定花掉了不止50万美元。

-   somehope/chance BRITISH
used for showing that you do not think that something is at all likely

‘We wondered if Raoul would lend us the money.’ ‘Some hope! He’ s the meanest man I know.’ “我们在想拉乌尔是否会借给我们钱。”“想都甭想!他是我认识的最吝啬的一个人。”





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