

单词 so
so 1 ★★★
  So can be used in the following ways:
so 有以下用法
  as an adverb (followed by an adjective or another adverb)用作副词(后接形容词或另一副词): Why are you so angry this morning? 你今天早上为什么这么生气? It all happened so quickly. 所有这一切都发生得如此之快。 (with a verb)后接动词: We were so looking forward to meeting your family. 我们非常盼望见到您的家人。 (followed by an auxiliary or modal verb and then its subject)后接助动词或情态动词,再接主语: ‘I’ m hungry.’ ‘So am I.’ “我很饿。”“我也一样。” (followed by an adjective and ‘a’ or ‘an’ and a singular countable noun)后接形容词,再接a或an,再接单数可数名词: The garden seemed small for so large a house. 这座花园对于这样大的一幢房子来说似乎小了。
  as a conjunction (connecting two clauses)用作连词(连接两个分句): There weren’ t enough beds, so I had to sleep on the floor. 床不够,所以我得睡地板。
  as a way of starting a new sentence作为新句子的开头: So, when do you start your new job? 啊,你什么时候开始做新的工作?
  in the conjunction phrase so that 用于连词短语so that中: He was standing in the shadow so that I could not see his face clearly. 他站在背光处,所以我看不清他的脸。
1 used for emphasis
1a used for emphasizing a quality , feeling , or amount 这么,那么,多么(用于强调质量、感觉或数量)

I’ m so glad you could come. 我真高兴你能来。

Thank you for looking after me so well. 谢谢你把我照顾得这么好。

The food’ s wonderful, but it’ s so expensive! 这些食物好极了,只是太贵了!

so much/many Like so many great artists, he died young. 像很多伟大的艺术家一样,他英年早逝。

1b used when you are emphasizing a fact by saying what the result of it is 如此(用于说明结果以强调事实时)

The children couldn’ t sleep, they were so excited. 孩子们无法入睡,他们太激动了。

so...(that) The road surface became so hot that it melted. 路面热得熔化了。

Everything’ s changed so much I can scarcely recognize the place. 一切都变化如此之大,我几乎认不出这个地方了。

so...as to be His comments on the book were so childish as to be not worth considering. 他对这本书的评论太幼稚,不值得考虑。

1c used for saying that someone does something a lot or feels something strongly 如此(用于表示程度强烈)

so love/enjoy/appreciate etc She so loved watching the children play. 她非常喜欢看孩子们玩耍。

worry/suffer etc so You shouldn’ t worry so. Nothing’ s going to happen to us. 你不必这么担心,我们不会出什么事。

2 used instead of repeating what has just been said
2a used for referring back to a possibility , fact , or situation that has just been mentioned 如此,这样(用于指代刚刚提及的可能性、事实或情况)

I think/suppose/expect/hope etc so You’ re in love with Rita, aren’ t you? I thought so. 你爱上了丽塔,不是吗?我想是这样的。

‘You’ re not really going to resign?’ ‘No, I don’ t suppose so.’ “你没有真的打算要辞职吧?”“是的,我没有真打算要辞职。” 

say so/tell sb so If you wanted to leave early, you should have said so. 如果你想早离开,你早该这么说了。

so they say/so they tell me/so I understand I’ m a quick learner. Or so they tell me. 我学东西很快,或者说他们是这么告诉我的。

if so Does the President intend to go to Moscow? And if so, when? 总统打算去莫斯科吗?如果是的,什么时候去?

more so/less so/very much so ‘Is Sybil the outdoor type?’ ‘Oh yes, very much so.’ “西比尔喜欢户外活动吗?”“是的,非常喜欢。”

2b used for saying that something that was just said is also true about another person or thing 同样,照样,也(用于表示说过的事也适用于另一人或物)

so is/does/can/will etc sb Heidi is planning to come, and so is Sylvia. 海迪打算来,西尔维亚也打算来。

My parents send their love, and so does Rachel. 我的父母向你问好,雷切尔也向你问好。

‘I’ d like to know what’ s happening out there.’ ‘So would I.’ “我想知道外面发生了什么事。”“我也想知道。”

If I learned how to drive a car, so can you. 要是我能学会开车,你也能。

2c used for emphasizing that what has been said about someone or something is right 的确,确实(用于强调所说的话)

They called him a hero, and so he is. 他们称他为英雄,而他的确是英雄。

2d used for saying or asking whether a statement is true 事实如此的,真的(用于陈述或询问)

Despite reports that the mayor was considering resigning, he has said that that is not so. 尽管报道说市长在考虑辞职,但市长说事实并非如此。

is that so? ‘Prices are down by 30% or more.’ ‘Is that so?’ “价格下降了30%或更多。”“是真的吗?”

2e to do what has just been mentioned 这样做

In 1998 the government promised to reform the law, but it has not yet done so. 1998年政府承诺要对法律进行改革,但是还未付诸实施。

2f used for reminding someone that things have happened in the way you said they would 我对你说过的(用于提醒)

‘I’ m feeling sick – I shouldn’ t have eaten all that pudding.’ ‘Well, I told you so.’ “我感到不舒服,我不应该把所有布丁都吃光。” “瞧,我对你说过的。”

2g used for saying that you accept a situation in which something has been decided or is necessary , although you are not happy about it 就那样吧(用于表示勉强接受)

If you’ ve really decided to quit the music business, then so be it. 如果你确实决定了要离开音乐业,那么就随你的便吧。

2h used for agreeing with what someone has said and showing that you are a little surprised by it 可不是吗,的确(用于表示同意某人所说的话并且稍显吃惊)

‘Look at the picture again – isn’ t that your Uncle Toby?’ ‘So it is!’ “再看看这张照片,这不是你的托比舅舅吗?”“可不是嘛!”

3 because of what has just been mentioned
used for saying that something happens, or someone does something because of what you have just mentioned 因此;所以

She thought there might have been an accident, so she called the police. 她想可能发生了事故,所以她报了警。

He was born in France, so he also has a French passport. 他在法国出生,因此他也有法国护照。

A tree had fallen across the road, so they had to turn round and go back. 一棵树横倒在路上,所以他们只得调头回去。

+that The window was covered so that it was not possible to see inside. 窗户被遮住了,所以不可能看见里面。

4 used in comparisons
4a used for saying that one person or thing has less of a particular quality than another 不如…

The Rosario family managed to flee, but others were not so lucky. 罗瑟一家设法逃离了,但是其他人不如他们幸运。

It’ s an attractive car but not so exciting to drive as the Ford Mustang. 这是辆漂亮的轿车,但开起来不如福特野马那么刺激。

The idea is not so silly as it sounds. 这个主意并不像听起来那样荒唐。

4b used for showing that there is a connection between two situations or actions 正如…,…也一样(用于表示两种情况或行为之间有联系)

Just as the body needs regular exercise, so too an engine needs to be run at regular intervals. 正如身体需要经常锻炼一样,发动机也需要每隔一段时间就运转一下。

5 used for stating a purpose
used for saying what the purpose of an action is 为了,以便(用于陈述目的)

+(that) He lowered his voice so that no one should hear. 他压低嗓音,这样就没人能听得见。 

I’ ll get a map so we can plan where we’ re going. 我要去弄一张地图,这样我们才能计划去哪里。

so as (not) to do sth In Tehran the wives of foreign diplomats wore headscarves so as not to offend the Iranians. 在德黑兰,为了不冒犯伊朗人,外国外交官的夫人们都戴头巾。

The Athletics Federation has introduced stricter regulations so as to prevent cheating. 田径运动联合会为防止作弊推行了更严格的规定。

6 spoken   used for starting a statement in a conversation
6a used for continuing a conversation , especially for starting a new subject or starting to ask a question 那么(用于使谈话继续,尤指用于引出新话题或开始问问题)

So, let’ s get down to business. 那么,让我们言归正传吧。

So, what do you suggest we do to make up the lost time? 那么,你建议我们如何弥补损失的时间呢?

6b used for introducing a question in order to make sure that what you have heard or noticed is correct 这么说(用于引出问题以确认所听到或注意到的事情)

So, you’ ve finally decided to come with us? 这么说,你终于决定和我们一起来了?

7 in such a way
7a used when showing someone how something should be done 这样,像这样,照这样(用于演示如何做某事)

Tie the two ends together, like so. 把两头扎在一起,像这样。

Grasp the handle with both hands, so. 用双手抓住把手,这样。

7b used when describing something and using your hands to show its size 这样(用于描述某物并以手势表明其大小)

I need a couple of metal rods about so long. 我需要两根大约这么长的金属棒。

7c used for saying that someone makes or arranges something in such a way that there is a particular result 这样(用于表示做或安排某事的方式导致某种结果)

Each course of studies was so arranged that students could combine their education with part-time work. 每门课程的安排方式使学生能够边学习边干点兼职工作。

The architect had so designed the rooms that every window overlooked the lake. 建筑师把这些房间设计成每扇窗都俯瞰着这个湖。

8 spoken   used for saying that a particular fact is not important
8a used for introducing a known fact before you make a comment to show that it does not matter 的确,不错(用于引出已知事实,然后再作评论说明并无大碍)

Okay, so the guy made a few mistakes. That doesn’ t mean he isn’ t a good player. 好吧,不错,这个人是犯了几个错误。那并不意味着他不是个好选手。

8b used for saying in a slightly rude way that what someone has said does not matter or is not important 那有什么关系?那有什么了不起?

‘Someone might see us.’ ‘So what? We’ re not doing anything illegal.’ “有人可能会看见我们。”“那有什么关系?我们又不是在做非法的事情。”

9 used for stating a limit
used for saying that a number or amount is limited 这么(多)(用于表示有限的数量)

I can only listen to her complaints for so long before I start to get angry. 她的抱怨我只能听这么一会儿,再多我就要开始发怒了。

only so much/many We have only so much time before the exams start. 考试开始前我们只有这么多时间。

There are only so many police officers available for controlling the crowds. 只能调动这么多警察出来控制人群。

-   and so on/forth
used instead of mentioning more of a similar type of thing that has already been mentioned

They have a right to their own culture, their own religion, their own language, and so on. 他们有权拥有自己的文化、宗教、语言等等。

Employees were always complaining about their wages, their working conditions, and so forth. 雇员总是在抱怨他们的工资、工作环境等等。

-   not so
not very

I was born down in Armagh, not so far from where my parents live now. 我出生在阿马,离我父母现在的住处不太远。

Skiing really isn’ t so hard – you should try it. 滑雪真的不很难,你应该试一试。

not so very Most of her ideas are not so very original. 她的大部分想法并不太新颖。

-   or so
used for showing that a number or amount is not exact , but it is more than the number or amount you have mentioned

The job won’ t take long – about twenty minutes or so. 这活儿不会花太长时间,大约20分钟左右就行。

See also
just 1
long 2




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