

单词 smell
smell 2 ★★
1  linking verb  to have a particular smell 有…的气味;发出…的气味

This room smells a bit damp. 这个房间有点潮味。

a strong-smelling perfume 气味浓郁的香水

This milk smells off (=no longer fresh) . 这牛奶变质了。

+of The laboratory smelled strongly of chemicals. 实验室里有一股浓重的化学品气味。

+like It smells like a bar in here. 这里有股酒吧间的气味。

1a  I  to have an unpleasant smell 有臭味;散发臭味

His feet really smell. 他的脚真臭。

2  T  never progressive to notice or recognize the smell of something 闻出;嗅出

Sasha could smell the sweet aroma of warm chocolate. 萨莎闻得出热巧克力的甜美味道。

Do you smell gas? 你闻出煤气味了吗?

3  T  to experience the smell of something by putting your nose close to it (鼻子凑近)闻,嗅

Come and smell these roses. 过来闻闻这些玫瑰花。

4  I  never progressive to be able to experience the smell of things 能闻出;有嗅觉

I can’ t smell at all with this cold. 我感冒了,什么也闻不到。

5  T  to feel that something is going to happen , usually something bad 感觉到(通常指坏事要发生)

smell danger/trouble I could just smell trouble in that club. 我只是感觉到那家俱乐部有麻烦。

6  I  to be illegal or dishonest 非法;不诚实

I can’ t put my finger on it, but something about this deal really smells. 我无法准确说出来,但这项交易确实有点问题。

-   smellblood
to notice that an opponent is weak and that you have the opportunity to defeat them
-   smell a rat informal
to believe that something dishonest , illegal , or wrong has happened
See also




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