/slæm/ |
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1 | T to shut a door or lid with great force so that it makes a loud noise , often because you are angry 使劲关;把…砰地关上 |
| He ran from the room, slamming the door behind him. 他从房间跑出来,随手砰地关上了门。 |
| slam the door shut She slammed the door shut in his face. 她当着他的面砰的一声关上门。 |
| 1a | I to close quickly with a loud noise 砰地关上 | | slam shut The heavy gate slammed shut. 那扇沉重的门砰的一声关上了。 | |
| 1b | T to put , move , or hit something somewhere with great force 猛放;用力移;猛击 | | slam sth down/into/on (sth) He slammed the groceries down on the table. 他把食品杂货使劲扔在桌上。 | | She slammed the brakes on. 她猛踩刹车。 | |
| 1c | I to move against something with great force 猛撞 | | +intoagainst The bicycle slammed into a tree. 自行车猛地撞到树上。 | |
| 1d | to put or hit something somewhere with great force 猛放;用力移;猛击 | | They heard the sound of bolts being slammed home. 他们听见门闩被猛力插上的声音。 | |
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2 | T to criticize someone or something severely 猛烈抨击 |
| The article has been slammed by critics. 这篇文章受到评论家的猛烈抨击。 |
- | ˌslam ˈout |
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| to leave a place quickly and angrily 气冲冲地离开 | He slammed out of the room. 他气冲冲地跑出房间。 | |