

单词 since
since ★★★
  Since can be used in the following ways:
  as a preposition (followed by a noun) 用作介词(后接名词 ): Everything has changed so much since last spring. 自去年春天以来,一切都大有改变。
  as an adverb (without a following noun)用作副词(后不接名词): She left home in 1993 and hasn’ t been seen since. 她1993年离家外出,至今无人见过她。
  as a conjunction (connecting two clauses)用作连词(连接两个分句): Paul’ s had several different jobs since he left school. 保罗毕业离校后,已经干过几份不同的工作。 Since there’ s no more business, we can all go home. 既然没有别的事情,我们都可以回家了。
  When since is used for talking about time, the verb in the main clause of the sentence is usually in the present perfect or past perfect tense当使用since 表示时间时,主句中的动词通常为现在完成时或过去完成时: It hasn’ t rained since the end of July. 自7月底以来,就没有下过雨。 He had been composing music since he was ten years old. 自10岁起,他就一直在作曲。 Sometimes the present simple or past simple is used in the main clause但有时主句中也可以用一般现在时或一般过去时: It’ s over twenty years since we last met. 我们已经有20多年没见面了。
1 starting at a particular point in the past and continuing until now or until another point in the past 自…以来;…以后

I’ ve known Joanna since she was born. 从乔安娜出生起,我就认识她。

Turkey has been a republic since 1923. 从自1923年以来,土耳其一直是一个共和国。

It’ s over nine years since Scotland won a game against England.

I’ d not seen her since she went to live in Oxford. 她去牛津居住以后,我就再也没有见过她。

ever since Paul started sailing in 1986 and he’ s been doing it ever since. 保罗于1986年开始从事帆船运动,从那以后便一直在做这件事。

Ever since I was at school, I’ ve wanted to write. 自我在学校读书起,我一直都想写作。

1a at some time after a particular point in the past 自…以后

Since arriving in New York, Thomas has had over 15 job interviews. 自从来纽约以后,托马斯已经面试了15次还多。

There have been many changes around here since I was a boy. 这里自我幼年起已发生了很多变化。

The accident was blamed on the pilot, who has since retired. 这次事故被归咎于飞行员,他自那以后便退休了。

since then Last year the company was expanding, but since then things have got really tough. 去年公司在扩大,自那以后情况就变得很糟糕。

1b before now or before a particular point in the past 在此之前;先前

long since (=a long time ago) The people who built the temple have long since vanished. 建寺的人早已不在了。

2 used when explaining why someone does something or why a situation exists 既然;因为

Since Barbara is no longer my wife, I’ m no longer responsible for her debts. 既然芭芭拉已不再是我妻子,我对她的债务也不再负有责任。

I shall not be able to attend the meeting since I shall be on holiday with my family. 我无法参加这次会议,因为我要跟家人一起去度假。

You should talk to Karen since she’ s the one responsible for authorizing payments. 你应该找卡伦谈谈,因为她是负责批准付款事宜的。

-   since when? spoken
used for showing that you are surprised or annoyed by what someone has said or done , because it does not seem right , fair , or sincere

Since when has it been against the rules to have a coffee break? 从什么时候开始工间喝咖啡休息变成违反规定了?

Since when have you ever been concerned about my feelings? 你什么时候关心过我的感受?





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