

单词 side
side 1 ★★★
1  C  a particular area of something such as a building , street , or town (建筑物、街道或城镇的)部分,区域,边

+of The railway ran along the north side of the valley. 铁路沿着山谷的北面铺设。

The bride’ s guests should sit on the left side of the church. 新娘一方的来宾应该坐在教堂的左边。

the far side I parked on the far side of the yard. 我把汽车停在院子的另一头。

right-hand/left-hand side Americans drive on the right-hand side of the road. 美国人靠道路右侧驾驶。

north/south side They live on the north side of town. 他们住在城北边。

1a one of the areas that are separated from each other by something such as a border or a river (边境、河流等的)边,侧

villages on the Thai side of the border 边界上在泰国一侧的村庄 

The boat had drifted to the other side of the river. 船漂到了河对岸。

The policy has been condemned by politicians on both sides of the Atlantic. 该政策受到大西洋两岸政治家们的谴责。

Groceries are cheaper on the American side so Canadians often shop there. 美国这边的杂货更便宜,所以加拿大人常常去美国那边购物。

2  C  an outside surface of an object or shape that is not its front , back , bottom , or top (物体或形状的)侧面

After the storm, the ship was found lying on its side. 暴风雨过后,船被发现侧躺着。

+of The entrance is on the side of the building. 入口处在楼的侧面。

2a +ofan inside surface of a container or room that is not the top or bottom (容器或房间的)内侧,内面

Lift the cake gently away from the sides of the dish. 轻轻地把蛋糕从盘子边拿起来。

There were tables all along the sides of the hall. 大厅内的四边都摆着桌子。

2b either of the flat surfaces of something thin such as a piece of paper or a coin (纸张、硬币等的)一面

Use the lined side of the paper. 使用带横线的这面纸。

I turned the coin over and looked at the other side. 我把硬币翻过来,看了看另一面。

2c the part of a hill that slopes and is between the top and the bottom 山腰
2d a flat surface of a solid object such as a cube or pyramid (固体的)表面

A cube has six sides. 立方体有6个面。

2e any of the edges of a flat shape (平面图形的)边

A square has four sides. 正方形有4条边。

2f the edge of a boat 船舷

The sailors just throw their rubbish over the side. 水手们直接把垃圾从船舷上扔了出去。

2g +ofthe left or right part of something (左或右)边

The left side of your jacket’ s all dirty. 你短上衣的左边全脏了。

One side of their van was crushed. 他们的篷车一侧被撞坏了。

right-hand/left-hand side Put a margin down the right-hand side of the page. 在页面的右手边留出空白。

2h the left or right area of your body from your head to your feet (身体的)侧面

Roll onto your side. 你侧一下身。

by sb’ s side I stood nervously by his side as they approached. 他们走近的时候,我紧张地站在他的旁边。

to sb’ s side Her little boy ran to her side and took her hand. 她的小男孩跑到她身边,抓住了她的手。

2i the general area of your body from your shoulder down to your waist (肩膀至腰部的)身体侧面,肋部

by sb’ s sides His arms hung limply by his sides. 他的手臂无力地垂在身体两侧。

right/left side I had a sharp pain in my right side. 我右肋很疼。

2j someone’ s good or best side is the side of their face that they think looks more attractive (脸的)一侧
2k +ofone half of the body of a cow , pig , or other large animal , used as food (已屠宰的动物的)半边躯体,肋骨

a side of beef 牛的肋肉

3  C  one aspect of a situation , problem , or subject 方面

Please look at all sides of the question before you decide. 请你把这个问题的各个方面都考虑清楚再作决定。

+of I still haven’ t heard her side of the story. 我还没有听到她对这件事的说法。

Mark hasn’ t kept his side of the bargain. 马克没有信守买卖合同中他这一方的承诺。

3a a part of a person’ s personality (某人性格中的)一面

That is a side of Amy that you rarely see. 那是你难得看到的埃米性格中的一面。

The president displayed his lighter side before the press conference began. 在新闻发布会开始之前,总统表现出的是他较随和的一面。

She told me I need to get in touch with my feminine side. 她告诉我得更温柔些。

3b the funny , serious etc side of something is the aspect of it that has that quality (事物性质中滑稽、严肃等的)方面

His jokes are often about the darker side of life. 他的笑话经常是关于生活黑暗面的。

Fortunately, my boss saw the funny side of the situation. 幸运的是,我的老板看到了事情滑稽的一面。

look on the bright side Try to look on the bright side: you hated that job anyway. 试着往好的方面想:反正你很讨厌那份工作。

on the plus/minus side (=considering the positive/negative aspects) It’ s not a perfect setup but, on the plus side, I can work at home. 在好的/不好的方面

4  C  one of two or more groups of people opposing each other (对立双方中的)一方

The agreement has been signed by both sides. 双方都已经签署了协议。

Franco didn’ t want to back the wrong side in a European war. 佛朗哥不想在欧洲战争中支持不义的一方。

4a a sports team 运动队

Our side lost. 我们队输了。

He’ s been chosen for the England youth side. 他已入选英格兰青年队。

losing/winning side The winning side will get a place in the finals. 获胜方将赢得一个决赛席位。

5  C  if you are on someone’ s side , you support them in an argument or fight 立场

on sb’ s side Don’ t get annoyed with me – I’ m on your side! 别生我的气——我是支持你的!

take sb’ s side (=to support one person rather than another one) Mary always takes your side. 站在某人一边;袒护某人

take sides (=to show support for one person and not others) I’ m not taking sides in this argument. 支持某人;偏袒一方

6  C  a part of your family , either your father’ s set of relatives or your mother’ s 家系(父系或母系)

Which side of the family is the uncle from? 是舅舅还是叔叔?

on sb’ s mother’ s/father’ s side Rose is my cousin on my mother’ s side. 罗丝是我的表姐。

7  C  usually singular BRITISH  informal   a television channel 电视频道

Which side is the film on? 这部电影在哪个频道播放?

Shall we turn over and see what’ s on the other side? 我们换换台,看看其他频道在播什么好吗?

8  C  +of AMERICAN  mainly spoken   a side dish

I’ d like a side of French fries with that. 除了那个以外,我再要一份炸薯条。

9  U  BRITISH  informal   a proud attitude 架子;傲慢
10  U  the fact that you have made a ball spin by not hitting it directly in the centre , especially in games such as snooker (尤指斯诺克等的)侧击转球,侧旋
-   at/by sb’ s side
1 physically beside someone 在某人身边

His friends were at his side. 他的朋友们都在他身边。

2 supporting someone or remaining loyal to them 支持某人;忠于某人

The family will be at her side throughout the trial. 家人在整个审讯过程中都会支持她。

-   from all sides
from all directions towards one object or person

Suddenly the crowd came at him from all sides. 人群突然从四面八方向他涌来。

-   from side to side
an object that moves from side to side moves from left to right , then from right to left , then back again

The trees swayed from side to side. 树摇晃着。

-   get out of the right/wrong side of bed humorous
used for saying that someone is in a goodbad mood

I think the boss must have got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning! 我想老板今天早上肯定心情不佳。

-   on all sides/on every side
in every direction

The country is surrounded on all sides by South Africa. 这个国家四周为南非的国土所环绕。

-   on either side
on one side of something and on the other side of it

+of There were stone lions on either side of the door. 门的两边都有石狮子。

-   on the fat/thin/heavy etc side informal
slightly fatthinheavy etc

The show seemed on the long side. 表演似乎时间有点长。 

I’ m afraid I’ ll be a little on the late side. 恐怕我会迟到一会儿。

-   on/to one side
1 in a place that is not directly in front of you 在一边;到一边

He laid the papers on one side and continued working. 他把报纸放到一边,继续工作。

He pushed us to one side and went in. 他把我们推到一边,走了进去。

2 if you put something to one side , you do not talk about it or deal with it now 搁置一边

put/set sth to one side Let’ s set the question of blame to one side for a minute. 我们暂且把过错问题搁置不谈。

3 if you take someone to one side , you talk to them away from other people because you want to say something private to them 叫到一边(以便私下谈话)

Get him on one side for a moment. 把他叫到一边谈一会儿。

take sb to one side I took her to one side to explain why everyone was upset with her. 我把她拉到一边,向她解释为什么大家生她的气。

-   on the right/wrong side of sb informal
if you are on the right or wrong side of someone , they likedo not like you

Whatever you do, don’ t get on the wrong side of him! 不管你做什么,都不能失去他的欢心!

-   on the right/wrong side of 40/50 etc informal
younger or older than 4050 etc
-   on the right/wrong side of the law informal
doing legalillegal things
-   on the side
1 in addition to what is usual 另外

The group’ s lead singer has been making solo appearances on the side. 该乐队的主唱还一直单独出演。

2 a food served on the side is an additional food served with the main meal 作为配菜

I’ d like some mixed vegetables on the side. 我想要些什锦蔬菜作为配菜。

3 informal   if someone has or is getting a bit on the side , they are secretly having a sexual relationship with a second partner 第三者;婚外情
-   on your side
if age , experience etc is on your side , you have a particular advantage that will make it easier for you to succeed

have sth on your side Well they’ re poor, but at least they’ ve got love on their side. 是啊,他们是穷,但至少他们还有爱情啊。

-   side by side
1 used for saying that two things or people are directly next to each other 并排地;肩并肩地

The two girls stood side by side. 那两个女孩并肩站着。

We rode side by side through the forest. 我们并排骑车穿过森林。

2 used for talking about two or more groups that live or work next to each other although they are very different (两个或多个很不相同的群体)比邻相处

The two tribes had lived peacefully side by side for centuries. 这两个部落已经和平共处了几百年。

-   this side of sth informal
before a particular time comes or before an event happens

We won’ t have another holiday this side of Christmas. 在圣诞节之前,我们不会有其他节日。

-   whose side are you on? spoken
used in a humorous way for telling someone to support you instead of supporting your opponent
See also
coin 1
split 1




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