

单词 sick
sick 1 ★★★
1 if you are sick , food you have eaten suddenly comes out of your stomach through your mouth 反胃的;恶心的;要呕吐的

I’ m going to be sick! 我要吐了!

violently sick He was violently sick over the side of the boat. 他趴在船舷上猛吐。

make yourself sick People with eating disorders often make themselves sick. 饮食紊乱的人常会恶心。

sick feeling The thought of seeing him gave her a sick feeling in her stomach. 一想到见他,她就感觉想吐。

2 MAINLY AMERICAN  if you are sick , you do not feel well (感觉)不适的,生病的

He stayed at home caring for his sick wife. 他呆在家里,照顾生病的妻子。

sick and injured/wounded/dying a clinic for animals that are sick and injured 诊治生病和受伤动物的动物诊所

get/fall sick (=become sick) He suddenly fell very sick and died a few days later. 生病

3 if something that someone does or says is sick , it is so unpleasant that it would upset some people 令人恶心的;令人作呕的

sick humour/jokes 令人恶心的幽默/笑话

3a used about someone who behaves in a cruel or unpleasant way (人)残酷的,令人厌恶的

If you ask me, he’ s sick in the head. 如果你让我说,他讨厌极了。

3b an offensive way of describing someone who is mentally ill 疯癫的;病态的
-   (as) sick as a parrot BRITISH very informal
very unhappy or disappointed about something that has happened
-   be worried sick
to be very worried

Where have you been? We’ ve been worried sick. 你去哪里了?我们担心死了。

-   call in sick
to phone someone at the place where you work to tell them you are too ill to work
-   feel sick
to feel that food you have eaten is going to come out of your stomach through your mouth

The thought of losing his child made him feel physically sick. 一想到要失去自己的孩子他都感到想吐。

-   make sb sick mainly spoken
1 to make someone become very angry or upset 使某人很生气(或很不愉快)

The way he treats his wife just makes me sick. 他对待他妻子的方式让我很生气。

2 humorous   to make someone feel very jealous 让某人非常嫉妒

You make me sick! You’ re so lucky! 你让我嫉妒死了!你真幸运!

-   off sick BRITISH
if you are off sick or you take time off sick , you do not go to work because you are ill

She’ s been off sick for over a week. 她休病假已经一周多了。

-   sick and tired of sth/sick to death of sth/sick to the back teeth of sth mainly spoken
very unhappy about something

Basically, she’ s sick to death of his behaviour. 大致来说,她对他的行为烦透了。

I am sick and tired of listening to your complaints. 你的抱怨我听得都烦透了。

-   sick at heart literary
extremely unhappy
-   sick to your stomach
1 feeling that food you have eaten is going to come out of your stomach through your mouth 想呕吐的
2 feeling very angry or afraid 很生气的;很害怕的
-   sick with fear/nerves/worry etc
very frightenednervousworried




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