

单词 shower
shower 1 ★★
1  C  a piece of equipment that forces small drops of water into the air and is used for washing your body 淋浴器

The shower isn’ t working. 淋浴器坏了。

1a a small room or area with a shower 淋浴间

in the shower (=washing yourself under a shower) Is Sue still in the shower? 在淋浴

1b the activity of washing yourself by standing under a shower 淋浴;洗澡

have a shower I’ m going to have a nice hot shower and go to bed. 我要洗个痛快的热水澡,然后去睡觉。

2  C  a short period when it rains or snows 阵雨;阵雪

Tonight there’ s a 50% chance of showers and thunderstorms. 今晚下雷阵雨的概率为50%。

3  C  a large number of things moving through the air or falling together 大量洒落的东西

A log in the fire broke, sending out a shower of sparks. 火里边有根木头崩裂了,火星四溅。

A shower of dust fell from the roof. 从屋顶上落下来许多灰尘。

4  C  AMERICAN  a party arranged for a woman by her friends, in which they give her presents because she will soon have a baby or get married (朋友间为将要分娩或结婚的女子举行的)送礼会

a baby/bridal/wedding shower 为庆祝生育/成为新娘/婚礼而举行的送礼会

5  singular  BRITISH  informal   a group of people who you do not like or respect 一群讨厌鬼




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