

单词 shout
shout 1 ★★★
VERB  I   
1 to say something in a loud voice 呼喊;大叫

He was one of those speakers who shout into the microphone. 他是那些对着麦克风喊叫的人之一。

shout at the top of your voice (=as loudly as you can) ‘I want to go now,’ Danny shouted at the top of his voice. 以最大音量喊

1a to use a loud voice when you want someone far away to hear you 高声说;大声喊

shout to sb We shouted across to the driver to tell him to switch off the engine. 我们冲着司机大声喊,叫他把发动机关掉。

1b to use a loud voice when you are angry (生气地)叫嚷,吆喝

shout at sb/sth Donna shouted at the men furiously. 唐娜对那些男人大发雷霆。

shout insults/abuse (at sb) As she left the court, she shouted insults at the police. 她离开法院时对警察破口大骂。

scream and shout (at sb/sth) Some of the patients were screaming and shouting at the nurses. 一些病人冲着护士尖声叫喊。

1c to make a sudden loud noise because you are afraid or feeling pain (因害怕或疼痛而突然)喊叫

A man in the next bed was shouting wildly in pain. 邻床的男人疼得嗷嗷直叫。

1d to shout so much that your throat becomes sore and you cannot speak very well 将嗓子喊哑
2 +about BRITISH  to show that you are happy or proud of something 张扬

Failing your French exam is nothing to shout about. 法语考试不及格可不是什么值得张扬的事情。

He’ s clearly not afraid to shout about his achievements. 很明显,他并不害怕把自己的成就宣扬出去。

-   all over bar the shouting BRITISH informal
used for saying that something has nearly finished and it is obvious what the final result , effect etc will be
-   shout sth from the rooftops
to tell everyone about something that you are very happy about or proud of
ˌshout ˈdown
to make it difficult to hear what someone says by shouting while they are speaking 大声喊叫以压倒(某人)的声音

The minister was shouted down as he tried to justify the government’ s decision. 当部长企图为政府的决定辩解时,他的声音被听众的喊叫声压了下去。

ˌshout ˈout
1 to say something suddenly in a very loud voice 突然大喊;突然大声说

I wanted to shout out and stop her but she was already gone. 我想喊她停下,但她已经走了。

An officer was shouting out orders. 一位军官正在大声下达指令。

2 to interrupt a speech or lecture by shouting something 大声打断(演讲或讲座)

A few people in the audience shouted out questions. 听众中有几个人大声提出了疑问。





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