

单词 shoulder
shoulder 1 ★★★
1  C  one of the two parts of your body between your neck and the top of your arms 肩;肩膀

She injured her shoulder in the accident. 在事故中她的肩部受了伤。

shrug your shoulders (=move them quickly up then down) Most people would have shrugged their shoulders and forgotten it. 耸耸肩

hunch your shoulders (=lift them up towards your neck) The man was hunching his shoulders against the pounding rain. 耸着肩膀

1a the part of a shirt , jacket , or other piece of clothing that covers your shoulder (衣服的)肩部

She had on a white jacket with padded shoulders (=extra cloth that makes your shoulders look bigger) . 她穿着加有垫肩的白色短上衣。

2  C/U  the upper part of the front leg of an animal , or meat from this part (动物的)肩肘,肩肘肉,肘子

a shoulder of lamb 羊肘子

3  singular  the part of a hill where it curves towards the top 山肩
4  singular  AMERICAN  a hard shoulder
-   fall/rest on sb’ s shoulders
to be someone’ s responsibility
-   look/watch over sb’ s shoulder
to watch carefully what someone is doing , especially so you can criticize them

I can’ t concentrate with you looking over my shoulder all the time. 你一直这么盯着我,我无法集中精力。

-   look over your shoulder
to behave in a way that shows you feel nervous about something that might happen
-   put your shoulder to the wheel
to start doing something with all your energy and determination
-   a shoulder to cry on
someone who listens to you with sympathy when you talk about your problems
-   standshoulder to shoulder
1 to show that you support someone’ s actions or beliefs, often by doing something together with them (与某人)肩并肩,齐心协力,团结一致

She stood shoulder to shoulder with her husband throughout his trial. 在丈夫受审期间,她一直站在丈夫一边支持他。

2 to be next to something or someone 与…紧挨着

Bars and restaurants stand shoulder to shoulder all along this street. 整条街上都是一家挨着一家的酒吧与餐馆。

See also
cold shoulder
head 1




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