

单词 setting
setting ★★★
NOUN  C   
1 the place where someone or something is , and all the things, people , or emotions that are part of that place 环境;背景

We provide health care outside any kind of institutional setting. 我们提供不属于任何医疗机构服务范围的卫生保健服务。

a hotel in a charming mountain setting 环境优美的山间宾馆

2 a particular time or place that a play , book , film etc happens in (戏剧、书、电影等的)背景,时间,地点

a love story in a tropical island setting 以一个热带岛屿为背景的爱情故事

3 a position that the controls of a piece of equipment are at (设备的)挡位

To save energy, lower the thermostat setting at night. 为了节能,夜间要把恒温器调到较低的挡位。

4 the dishes, knives , forks, spoons, table mat , and napkin that one person uses at a meal (供一人用的)一副餐具
5 the metal part of a piece of jewellery that holds a stone or jewel in place (镶嵌宝石的)底座,底板
6 a piece of music added to words, especially the words of a poem (尤指为诗歌谱写的)乐曲
  Words frequently used with setting
  setting 的常见搭配词
  adjectives   beautiful, ideal, idyllic, magnificent, perfect, picturesque, tranquil,




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