

单词 set
set 1 ★★★
1  T  set sb/sth in/into/on/down/back etc to put someone or something in a position 放置

‘Tea’ s ready,’ he told them and set down the tray. “茶好了,”他边对他们说,边把托盘放了下来。

She set the baby on the floor to play. 她让婴儿在地板上玩。

1a  T  if something is set somewhere , it is in that place or position 位于;处于

It’ s a traditional country house hotel, set in its own parklands. 这是一个传统的村舍旅馆,建在自家的草地上。

The bookcase was set into the wall. 书橱嵌在墙里。

Our house is set back from the road. 我们的房子离公路有一段距离。

1b to put someone or something in a particular state 使处于…状态

The suspect has been accused of setting the restaurant on fire. 嫌疑犯被指控在餐馆纵火。

set sb/sth loose Don’ t set the dog loose. 别把狗放了。

set sb/sth free The hostages have been set free after 34 days in captivity. 人质在被囚禁34天后获释。

2  T  to make something happen or make someone do something 使发生;使(某人)做(某事)

set sb/sth doing sth His mysterious phone calls were bound to set them wondering. 他的神秘电话一定会使他们疑惑。

set sth in motion That single photograph set his career as a photographer in motion. 就是那张照片使他开始了摄影师生涯。

3  T  to make a piece of equipment ready to operate 设置,设定,调整(设备)

The bomb was set to go off at eight o’ clock. 炸弹被设定在8点爆炸。

You can set it so that it does an automatic data backup at the end of each day. 你可以把它设定好,这样每天结束时它都会自动备份。

3a to change the time on a clock or the controls on a piece of equipment 调整(钟表的时间或设备的设置)

Can you help me set the VCR? 你可以帮我把录像机设置好吗?

set sth at sth Set the thermostat at 68 degrees. 把恒温器设定在68度。

set sth for sth I’ m setting the alarm for 6.30. 我要把闹钟调到6点30分。

4  T  to decide when or where an event will happen 确定(时间或地点)

set a date/time (for sth) Have they set a date for the wedding? 他们确定婚礼的日期了吗?

4a to decide the price or value of something 确定(价格或价值)

They set the price of the house too high. 他们把房价定得太高了。

The central bank is responsible for setting interest rates. 中央银行负责确定利率。

Parents shouldn’ t set too high a value on good exam results. 父母不应该把考试成绩看得太重。

Bail was set at £50,000. 保释金定在50000英镑。

5  T  to establish a rule , standard , limit etc that people must follow 制定,设定(规则、标准、界限等)

The agreement sets clear targets and timetables for the reduction of carbon emissions. 该协定为减少碳排放量制定了明确的目标和时间表。

set rules/conditions/guidelines/limits/criteria (for sth) Opposition parties have set conditions for peace negotiations to begin. 反对党已经为开始和平谈判设定了条件。

set standards Their teacher sets high standards and expects everyone to meet them. 他们的老师把标准定得很高,期望每个人都能达到这些标准。

5a to perform an activity at a level that other people have to try to achieve 树立榜样

a company that sets the standard in overnight delivery 在次日送达方面树立榜样的公司

5b to do something faster, better etc than anyone has done before 创造纪录
6  T  to do something that influences the way that other things are done or the way that other people behave 创造;开创

set a tone/pattern/fashion/trend (for sth) Her opening remarks set the tone for the whole conference. 她的开场白为整个大会定了调。

It was one of the shows that set the trend for ‘reality television’ . 这是那些开创了“真人秀”潮流的节目之一。

6a to behave in a way that someone can copy , especially by doing something good (为某人)树立榜样

You should set an example for your younger brothers. 你应该为弟弟们树立个榜样。

6b to make a way of doing something become generally accepted as correct by doing it a particular way the first time 开创先例

a ruling that would set a legal precedent 开创司法先例的裁决

7  T  to give something to someone to do or achieve 让(某人)做(或实现)

set sb a goal/challenge/objective/task You’ ll never get anywhere if you don’ t set yourself any goals. 如果你不给自己定个目标,你将一事无成。

set sb to do sth I’ ve set myself to find a new job by Christmas. 我已经为自己定下目标,在圣诞节前找到新工作。

7a to give students work to do as part of a course of study 为(学生)布置(作业)

set sb sth I’ m going to set you all an essay for the weekend. 我会让你们所有人在周末写一篇文章。

7b to produce questions or an examination paper for students to answer 提问;给(学生)出(考题)

They set us an absolutely impossible paper. 他们给我们出了份特别难的试卷。

7c to start working , especially in a determined or enthusiastic way (尤指坚定地或充满热情地)开始做,开始干

+on I set to work on the mountain of paperwork on my desk. 我开始看桌子上堆得山一样高的文件。

set to work (on) doing sth After lunch, they set to work fixing the roof. 午饭后,他们开始修补屋顶。

set to work to do sth He quickly set to work to build a shelter from the rain. 他马上开始建一个遮雨的棚子。

7d to make someone do work for you , especially when they do not want to do this 让某人为自己干活儿(尤指某人不情愿时)

Don’ t complain that you’ re bored, or Dad will set you to work. 别抱怨说你很无聊,不然爸爸会让你为他干活。

set sb to work doing sth I’ ve set them to work clearing out the garage. 我已经让他们去清理车库了。

8  T  usually passive to write or produce a play , book , film etc that happens in a particular time or place 为(戏剧、书、电影等)设置背景

The film is set in 18th-century New England. 电影以18世纪的新英格兰为背景。

9  I  when the sun sets, it goes below the horizon at the end of the day (太阳)落下,落山
10  T  to put the two ends of a broken bone back into the correct position so that they can grow into one piece again 使(断骨)复位

The doctor set my arm and put a cast on it. 医生把我的手臂接好,然后敷上石膏。

10a  I  if a broken bone sets, the two ends of it grow into one piece again (断骨)接合
11  I/T  if a liquid sets or if you set it , it forms a solid substance (使)凝结;(使)凝固

a type of concrete that sets in 15 minutes 一种在15分钟内凝固的混凝土

12  I/T  if your face or a part of it sets into a particular expression , or if you set it into a particular expression , you have a fixed expression on your face (使)(脸上)凝固(某种表情)

His face set into a determined expression as he read the letter. 他看信的时候神色坚毅。

13  T  to arrange wet hair in a particular style so that it keeps that style when it becomes dry 给(头发)定型
14  T  technical   to arrange letters and words on a special machine into the correct order so you can print something 给…排版
15  T  usually passive to put a jewel or stone in a piece of jewellery 给…镶嵌(宝石)

a necklace set with rubies 镶嵌着红宝石的项链

-   set the stage for sth
to create the conditions in which something is likely to happen

The drivers’ demands were rejected, setting the stage for a prolonged transport strike. 司机们的要求遭到拒绝,这就为延长交通罢工创造了条件。

-   set the table
to put all the dishes, forks, knives etc needed for a meal onto a table
ˈset aˌbout
1 set about sth: to begin doing something , especially in a determined or enthusiastic way (尤指坚定地或充满热情地)开始做,着手做

She set about the problem with her usual energy. 带着一贯的干劲,她开始处理这一问题。

set about doing sth Donaghue set about resolving the problem of rehousing the victims. 多纳休开始解决受害者的房屋重建问题。

2 set about sb: old-fashioned   to hit or kick someone many times 对(某人)拳打脚踢;痛打(某人)
ˌset aˈgainst
1 set sth against sth: to compare one thing with another 把…和…作比较

This season’ s results have been disappointing set against last year’ s. 和去年相比,本赛季的成绩令人失望。

2 set sb against sb: to cause two people or groups to fight each other although they were in a friendly relationship before 使敌视;使对立

a bitter industrial dispute that had set worker against worker 让工人之间开始对立的惨痛的产业纠纷

3 set against set sth against sthset sth off against sth: BRITISH  to state officially that an amount of money is a cost to your business in order to pay less tax 以…抵销(税款);将(工作的费用)列入以少交税

You know your expenses can be set against tax, don’ t you? 你知道你的开销可以用来抵销税收,对吗?

ˌset aˈpart
1 set sb/sth apart: to make someone or something different and special 使与众不同

+from Graf’ s natural athleticism set her apart from other tennis players. 格拉芙对体育天生的热爱使她显得与其他网球运动员不同。

2 often passive to keep something separate in order to use it for a particular purpose (为特定用途)留出,划出

+for Several acres of public land have been set apart for recreation. 已经留出来几英亩的公共用地来建造娱乐设施。

ˌset aˈside
1 to keep or save something from a larger amount or supply in order to use it later for a particular purpose (为以后的某种用途)留出,省出

+for Have you set aside some money for your child’ s education? 你有没有为孩子的教育留出一些钱呢?

2 to not let a particular feeling , opinion , or belief influence you , in order to achieve something more important 将(某种感情、观点或信仰)置于一旁

They agreed to set aside their differences and work together for peace. 他们同意搁置分歧,共同为和平而努力。

3 to officially state that a particular legal decision will no longer be followed 撤销,推翻(法律裁决);宣布…无效

The High Court has set aside the lower court’ s ruling. 高等法院已经推翻了下级法院的裁决。

ˌset ˈback
1 to delay the progress of someone or something 阻碍;耽搁;延缓

The spending cuts have set the research project back several years. 经费的减少使这个研究项目延缓了好几年。

2 set sb back sth: informal   to cost someone a particular amount of money , especially a large amount 花费(某人)一笔钱;(尤指)使(某人)花掉一大笔钱

Jim’ s new Mercedes must have set him back £30,000. 吉姆的新梅赛德斯车肯定花了他30000英镑。

ˌset ˈdown
1 to write something on a piece of paper so that it will not be forgotten and can be looked at later 写下;记下

She set all these events down in her diary. 她把所有这些事情都写在日记里。

2 formal   to state officially how something should be done (官方)制定,规定

These conditions were set down by the United Nations. 这些条件是联合国制定的。

3 to consider something in a particular way 把…看作

He set the whole experience down as a failure. 他把整个这次经历看成是一次失败。

4 BRITISH  formal   to stop a vehicle so that a passenger can get out 停车让(乘客)下去
ˌset ˈforth
1  I  literary   to start a journey , especially one that is long or difficult 出发;动身
2  T  formal   to explain or describe something in a clear and detailed way , especially in writing (尤指以书面形式清楚详细地)阐述,描述

This memorandum sets forth basic departmental policies. 这份备忘录阐明了部门的基本政策。

ˌset ˈin
if something unpleasant sets in , it starts to happen and have an effect , and is not likely to stop for a long time (令人不快之物)开始,降临

Let’ s get inside – the rain’ s set in for the day. 我们进去吧,这一天的雨开始下了。

Shortly after the business started, a long economic downturn set in. 开业不久,一段长期的经济衰退就降临了。

ˌset ˈoff
1  I  to start a journey or start going in a particular direction 动身;出发

We set off early the next morning. 我们第二天一大早就出发了。

2  T  to cause something to operate , especially by accident 使…开始运行;(尤指)无意中触发

Jeff pushed open the front door, which set off the alarm. 杰夫推开前门,触发了警报系统。

3  T  to make something explode 使爆炸

Somebody was setting off fireworks down the street. 有人沿街放烟花。

4  T  to cause a situation or a series of events to happen , especially without intending to (尤指无意中)激发,引发

He fears that the election could set off mass protests. 他担心选举会引发群众抗议。

5  T  usually passive to make someone or something look more attractive by being clearly different from them 衬托;使更漂亮

Her plain blue dress was set off by a feather-trimmed hat. 她那身朴素的蓝裙子在一顶饰以羽毛的帽子衬托下显得更漂亮了。

6  T  set sb off: to make someone start to laugh , cry , or talk a lot 使(某人)开始笑(哭或滔滔不绝地说)

Just mentioning her father’ s death could set her off again. 只要一提到她父亲的死就能使她又大哭起来。

ˌset ˈoff aˌgainst
1 set against 3

Claims for expenses can be set off against tax. 支出的款项可以用以抵销税款。

2 to compare one thing with another 把…与…相比较

The quality of the facilities must be set off against the cost of using them. 设施的质量必须和使用成本进行比较。

ˈset on
1 set sb/sth on sb/sth: BRITISH  to tell a person or animal to attack another person or animal 叫(人或动物)袭击

Leave now or I’ ll set the dogs on you. 你现在马上离开,不然我让狗咬你。

2 set on sb/sth: usually passive to attack someone or something 袭击;攻击
ˌset ˈout
1  I  to start a journey 启程;动身

After a three-day rest, the travellers set out again. 休息了3天之后,旅行者们又上路了。

2  T  to explain , describe , or arrange something in a clear and detailed way , especially in writing (尤指以书面形式清楚详细地)阐述,描述,安排

In his report he sets out his plans for the department. 在报告里他详细阐述了自己为该部门所制定的计划。

3  T  to put something where it can be seen or used 放置;摆放

street traders setting out their wares 摆出货物的街头小贩

4  I  to start doing or working on something in order to achieve an aim (目的明确地)开始做

+on When we set out on this project, we knew it would be difficult. 我们开始做这个项目时,我们就明白它会很困难。

set out to do sth Are you suggesting that he deliberately set out to sabotage your work? 你是不是暗示他存心破坏你的工作?

ˌset ˈto
to start doing something in a determined or enthusiastic way 下决心做;大干起来

After the party we all set to and cleared everything up. 聚会结束后,我们都开始动手,把一切都收拾干净。

ˌset ˈup
1  I/T  to start something such as a business , organization , or institution 开办;设立;创办;建立

The group plans to set up an import business. 该集团计划创办一家进口公司。

Rebels have set up an independent state within the country. 叛乱者已在该国内部建立起一个独立的州。

set up shop (=start a business) After the war, she set up shop in a quiet Yorkshire town. 开办企业

1a  T  to make it possible for someone to start a business , organization , or institution 使(某人)有可能创办;扶持(某人)创办

set sb up in business a privileged kid whose father set him up in business 靠父亲扶持进入商界的幸运儿

2  T  to organize or plan something such as an event or system 安排;策划

Have your secretary set up a meeting for Thursday. 让你的秘书在周四安排一次会议。

The programme will set up a regional library system. 这个项目将建立一个地区图书馆系统。

3  T  to build a structure or put it in a particular place 建起;竖起

Police have set up a mobile incident unit outside the shop. 警方已经在该商店外面布置了移动事件处理系统。

set up a roadblock The army set up roadblocks to stop people trying to escape. 军队设置了路障防止人们逃走。

4  I/T  to make a piece of equipment ready for use 安装;调试;装配好

While the band is setting up, would you check on the food? 在乐队调试这段时间里,你可以去检查一下食物吗?

Will you be able to set up my PC? 你能把我的计算机安装好吗?

The kids are setting up the volleyball net. 孩子们在挂排球网。

5  T  set up sth: to make something start to happen 引发;造成

Their negligence set up a chain reaction that resulted in extensive damage. 他们的疏忽引发了连锁反应,最终造成了重大的破坏。

6  T  BRITISH  to prepare someone for something 使做好准备

+for Have something hot to set you up for the journey. 吃点儿热东西好上路。

7  T  informal   to arrange a situation so that someone is blamed for doing something , especially something illegal 陷害;诬陷

She claims she’ s innocent and someone set her up. 她声称自己是清白的,有人陷害她。

8  T  to put someone in a position of power 使掌权;使任职

set sb up as sth a plan to set him up as party leader 让他担任党的领导人的计划

-   set upcamp
1 to put a tent in an upright position or build a shelter somewhere 搭起帐篷;建起遮避所

We set up camp for the night near the river. 我们在河边搭起帐篷过夜。

2 to put your possessions or equipment in a particular place so you can live , work , or spend a lot of time there 安置;安顿

She set up camp in the kitchen while they painted the bedroom. 他们粉刷卧室时,她就住在厨房里。

-   set sb up for life
to provide someone with enough money so that they do not have to work for the rest of their life

a trust fund that set her up for life 足够她有生之年使用的信托基金

-   set uphouse/home
to begin living in a particular place or with a particular person

After graduation, we decided to set up house together. 毕业后,我们两人决定成家。

-   set yourself up as sth
to claim to be something you are not

He sets himself up as some kind of financial expert. 他自称是什么金融专家。

ˈset uˌpon
PHRASAL VB  T  usually passive
set upon sb/sth: to attack someone or something 攻击;袭击




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