

单词 send
send ★★★
VERB  T   
1 to post a letter or parcel to someone 寄(信或包裹);发送

I sent the letters yesterday, so they should arrive today. 我昨天寄的信,所以它们今天应该能寄到。

send sb sth I’ ll send you a copy of the report. 我会给你寄一份报告。

send sth to sb I forgot to send a birthday card to Amy. 我忘记给埃米寄生日贺卡了。

send sth by post/mail/airmail etc I think it’ s too heavy to send by airmail. 我认为这太重了,用航空邮件寄不了。

1a to arrange for something to be taken to a place 发送;运送

send sth to sth The government is sending food supplies to the stricken island. 政府正在把食品发往那个受灾的岛。

1b to arrange for a shop or organization to deliver something to a person or place 安排(商店或机构)(代为)发送

I must remember to send Helen some flowers for her birthday. 我必须记住海伦过生日时让人送些花给她。

send sb sth He sent me a lovely bouquet. 他给我送来一束可爱的花。

send sth to sb/sth You can have the books sent direct to your home. 你可以让人把这些书直接送到你家。

1c to arrange for a message to be delivered to a person by email (用电子邮件)发送(信息)

I’ ll send you an email with all the details. 我会发给你一份包含所有详情的电子邮件。

Did you get that message I sent you? 你收到我发给你的信息了吗?

2 to put soldiers or military equipment in a place , especially because there is a war (尤指因战争)派遣(士兵或军用设备)去,命令…去

Two navy warships have been sent to the area. 两艘海军战舰已被派往该地区。

Officials are sending troops to stop the takeover. 官员们命令军队去阻止接管。

Last week, their government sent 30 fighter jets. 上星期他们的政府派出了30架战斗机。

Once again young men are being sent into battle. 年轻人又一次被派上战场。

2a to arrange for someone to go to a place to do a job 派遣(某人)去

The company has promised to send an engineer tomorrow. 公司答应明天派个工程师去。

send sb to do sth Britain has sent a team of doctors to help with the rescue efforts. 英国已派了一队医生前去协助救援工作。

send sb to sth Each country will send two delegates to the conference. 每个国家将派两名代表与会。

2b to force someone to go somewhere using an official order (以官方命令)强迫…去

Opponents of the regime are either killed or sent into exile. 该政权的反对者不是被杀就是被流放。

Most of the refugees will be sent back home. 大部分难民将被遣送回家。

2c to make arrangements for someone to go to a place to study 安排去…学习

When she was twelve, her parents sent her to school in Oxford. 她12岁时,她的父母送她去牛津的学校上学。

His parents couldn’ t afford to send him to university. 他的父母没钱供他上大学。

3 to make someone move or fall suddenly 使突然移动(或跌倒)

A fire in the casino sent people fleeing for safety. 赌场的大火迫使人们纷纷逃命。

3a to make something fall or move suddenly through the air 迫使在空中突然落下(或移动)

A careless step sent rocks tumbling down on the climbers below. 一步不小心便使石头翻滚到了下面的爬山者身上。

3b to make someone feel a particular emotion 使产生某种情感

She said no, which sent him into a terrible sulk. 她说不,这使他大生闷气。

3c to make something happen 使发生

Concerns about the economy have sent share prices tumbling today. 对经济的担心使得今天的股价下跌。

4 to allow a substance such as smoke or something made by a chemical process to escape into the atmosphere 排放,排出(烟或化学反应的产生物等)

Forest fires sent up smoke for miles around. 森林大火喷出方圆几英里的烟。

Dangerous chemical fumes were sent out by the explosion. 爆炸释放出危险的化学浓烟。

-   sendchillsup/down sb’ s spine
to make someone feel very frightened or excited

Grandfather’ s ghost stories sent chills up my spine. 祖父的鬼故事吓得我脊梁骨发冷。

-   send your love
to express your friendly thoughts or love for someone through another person

Anna and the kids send their love. 安娜和孩子们向你问好。

Please send my love to Stuart. 请代我向斯图尔特致意。

-   send a/the message (that)
if a group of people sends a particular message , they publicly show other people how they feel about something

Not helping these people will send the message that we don’ t care. 不帮助这些人将表明我们并不在意。

We don’ t want to send the wrong messages to our young people. 我们不想把错误信息传达给我们的年轻人。

-   send sb packing informal
to make someone leave a place

They had a huge row, and she sent him packing. 他们大吵了一架,然后她就让他走人了。

-   sendshock waves through sth
to upset a lot of people

His arrest yesterday sent shock waves through the community. 他昨天被捕惊动了整个社区。

ˌsend aˈway
to order someone to leave a place 命令…离开;把…打发走

His solicitor was sent away by the security guards. 他的律师被保安打发走了。

ˌsend aˈway for
send away for sth: to write to a person or organization asking them to send something to you 函购;函索

I’ ve sent away for details of their holiday packages. 我已去信索要假期旅行套餐的详细情况。

ˌsend ˈback
to return something that is not satisfactory 退还,送回(不满意的东西)

If you’ re not happy with it, you can always send it back. 您如果不满意,可以随时退还。

ˌsend ˈdown
to send someone to prison 使坐牢

He’ s been sent down for five years for forgery. 他因伪造罪而被判刑5年。

-   be sent down old-fashioned
to be ordered to leave a university because you have behaved badly

Eric was sent down for cheating in examinations. 埃里克因考试舞弊而被开除。

ˈsend for
1 send for sb: to ask for someone to come to you 请(某人)来

I think we should send for a doctor. 我想我们应该让人请个医生来。

2 send for sth: to arrange for something to come to you or be delivered to you 安排送来;订购

In the end we had to send for an ambulance. 最后我们只好叫了辆救护车。

I’ ve sent for their latest catalogue. 我已去信索要他们的最新目录。

ˌsend ˈin
1 to arrange for people or equipment to go to a place 派(人或设备)去

Government forces were sent in to fight the rebellion. 政府军被派去镇压叛乱。

2 to send a letter or document to an organization 递送,呈交(信件或文件)

Entry forms must be sent in by December 21. 参赛表格必须在12月21日前提交。

Keep sending your letters and suggestions in to the BBC. 请继续给英国广播公司写信或提建议。

ˌsend ˈoff
1 to post something to someone 邮寄;寄送

I must get the parcel sent off tomorrow. 我明天必须把包裹邮寄出去。

2 to arrange for someone to go somewhere 安排…去

We’ ve sent the children off to the zoo for the afternoon. 我们下午把孩子们打发去了动物园。

3 BRITISH  to tell a sports player officially to leave the sports field because they have done something that is not allowed by the rules 罚(运动员)下场

He was sent off for arguing with the referee. 他因与裁判争吵而被罚下场。

ˌsend ˈout
1 to send a lot of copies of the same document to a large number of people (向许多人)发送,分发(同一文件)

We sent out 300 invitations to our gallery opening. 我们发出了300份参加我们画廊开业典礼的邀请。

2 to allow a substance such as smoke or chemicals to escape into the atmosphere 排出(烟或化学物等)

The factory sends out toxic gases into the surrounding countryside. 这家工厂向周围村庄排放有毒气体。

ˌsend ˈout for
send out for sth: to order something and ask for it to be delivered to you 订购

I don’ t feel like cooking – let’ s send out for a pizza. 我不想做饭,我们订个比萨饼吧。

ˌsend ˈup
1 to make someone seem silly by pretending to speak or behave like them (通过模仿)取笑,讽刺

He sends the prime minister up brilliantly. 他对首相的模仿讽刺棒极了。

2 AMERICAN  to send someone to prison 使坐牢

He was sent up for 10 years. 他被监禁10年。





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