

单词 score
score 1 ★★★
1  I/T  to get a point in a game or sport (体育比赛中)得(分)

No one scored in the first half. 上半场没人得分。

score a goal/point/run/try He scored the first goal after five minutes. 5分钟之后他进了第一个球。

2  T  to achieve a particular amount , level etc in a test (考试中)得(分)

She’ s hoping to score full marks in the maths test. 她希望在数学考试中得满分。

2a to judge someone’ s effort in a competition or in a test and give them points 给…评分

The participants’ answers were scored and the totals added up. 参赛者的答案将被评分,总分相加。

2b to be worth a particular number of points 值…分

The bonus question at the end of the test scores 15 points. 考试结尾的附加题有15分。

3  I/T  to record the score in a game (比赛中)记(分)
4  I/T  to be successful in doing something (使)成功;赢得

She seems to have scored with her latest novel. 她的最新小说似乎很成功。

score a success/victory/win They scored some notable sales successes. 他们在销售业绩上取得了一些很显著的成绩。

5  I  informal   to buy illegal drugs 买毒品
6  I  spoken   to have sex with someone , especially with a new partner 与(尤指新认识的人)性交
7  T  to mark a line into the surface of something 划线于…;刻痕于…

Score the meat lightly with a knife. 在肉上用刀轻轻划些口子。

8  T  to write a piece of music for a particular group of instruments or voices 为…编曲;为…配乐

score sth for sth The suite is scored for flute and violin. 这组曲是为长笛和小提琴而编。

-   score points
to gain an advantage over other people , especially by saying or doing something that makes a particular person or group of people like you

+with He scored points with teachers by proposing shorter working hours. 他因提议更短的工作时间赢得了教师们的好感。

+against/off/over He clearly scored political points off the Chancellor. 他显然在政论上驳倒了总理。

ˌscore ˈout or ˌscore ˈthrough 
to draw a line through written words 划掉

Score through the guests’ names as they arrive. 客人到场时把他们的名字划掉。

ˈscore off
score off sb: to gain an advantage over someone 驳倒

Why does she constantly try to score off her sister? 她为什么总想跟她妹妹抬杠?





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