

单词 scheme
scheme 1 ★★★
NOUN  C   
1 BRITISH  a plan developed by a government or large organization in order to provide a particular service for people (政府或大型组织提供某种服务的)规划,计划,方案

The department has introduced several new training schemes. 该部门推出了几个新的培训方案。

The proposed scheme should solve the parking problem. 提出的这项规划应该可以解决停车问题。

Have you joined the company pension scheme? 你加入了公司的养老金方案吗?

1a a plan for achieving something , especially something illegal or dishonest 阴谋;诡计

It sounds like just another crazy money-making scheme. 这听上去像是又一个疯狂敛钱的阴谋。

a scheme to do sth a scheme to import illegal foreign goods 进口非法外国商品的阴谋

2 a system for organizing or arranging information (用于组织或整理信息的)系统,体系

Libraries organize books according to a subject classification scheme. 图书馆按照学科分类系统整理图书。

-   in the/sb’ s scheme of things
used for saying how a particular person , organization , event etc relates to the more general situation

Sam began to realize he had no place in Maria’ s scheme of things. 萨姆开始意识到他在玛丽亚的生活格局中没有地位。

in the grand/greater/global/overall scheme of things It’ s a major business within Canada, but not very important in the global scheme of things. 在加拿大国内它是家大公司,但在全球格局中它并不是非常重要。

  Words frequently used with scheme
  scheme 的常见搭配词
  verbs   develop, devise, implement, introduce, launch, operate, run,




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