/ˈsævɪdʒ/ |
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1 | cruel and unpleasant or violent 残暴的;凶恶的;凶猛的 |
| a savage attack/beating/murder 凶猛的攻击/恶狠狠的打击/凶残的谋杀 |
| A savage look flitted across his face. 一丝凶恶的神情从他的脸上掠过。 |
| She took a savage pleasure in pointing out their mistakes. 她从指出他们的错误中获得无情的快感。 |
| 1a | a savage animal is likely to attack you (动物)凶猛的,野的 | |
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2 | extremely severe 极端严重的 |
| the most savage cuts ever imposed on the National Health Service 对国民保健制度前所未有的最大幅度的资金削减 |
| Losing his job had been a savage blow. 失去工作对他已是一个非常严厉的打击。 |
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3 | criticizing someone or something very much (批评)猛烈的,苛刻的 |
| She wrote a savage review of the book. 她给这本书写了一篇言辞激烈的书评。 |
| a savage attack on the government’ s policies 对政府政策的无情攻击 |
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4 | a savage area of land has no buildings on it and looks very cold (土地)荒凉的,无人烟的 |
| a bare savage landscape 光秃秃、荒无人烟的景象 |
| a savage coastline 荒凉的海岸线 |
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5 | old-fashioned an insulting way of describing someone or something from a culture that is not advanced 原始的;未开化的;野蛮的 |
savagely adv |
| She was savagely attacked in her own home. 她在自己家中遭到了野蛮的袭击。 |
savageness noun U |