

单词 romantic
romantic 1 ★★
1 making you have feelings of love and excitement 浪漫的;有浪漫情调的

a romantic candle-lit dinner 浪漫的烛光晚餐

What could be more romantic than a wedding on a tropical island? 还有什么比在热带岛屿上举行婚礼更浪漫的事呢?

1a involving love and sex 涉及爱情和性的;谈情说爱的

Romantic relationships between staff and students are discouraged. 不提倡教师和学生之间发生恋爱关系。

1b used about beautiful places that make you think about love (地方)浪漫的

a romantic city 浪漫的城市

1c used about books, plays, and films about love (书、剧本、电影)浪漫的,关于爱情的

It’ s a very romantic film. 那是一部非常浪漫的电影。

romantic comedy/fiction 爱情喜剧/小说

2 someone who is romantic tends to believe that things are better or more exciting than they really are (人)爱幻想的,空想的,不切实际的

I doubt that your romantic vision of country life matches the reality. 我怀疑你对乡村生活的幻想能否与现实相符。

3 Romantic relating to the style of literature , art , and music known as romanticism (文学、艺术和音乐)浪漫主义的

the Romantic tradition 浪漫主义传统

the Romantic poets 浪漫主义诗人

romantically  adv 

Harry and Stephanie are romantically involved. 哈里和斯蒂芬妮在谈恋爱。

The castle is romantically situated amid spectacular scenery. 该城堡坐落于风景优美的环境之中,极具浪漫色彩。





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