

单词 rob
rob ★★
VERB  T   
1 to take money or property illegally from a person or place , often using threats or violence (常采用威胁或暴力手段)抢劫

They were planning to rob the museum. 他们计划抢劫博物馆。

rob sb of sth Daniel was robbed of his car, briefcase, and mobile phone. 丹尼尔的汽车、公文包和移动电话都被抢了。

rob sb at knifepoint/gunpoint Mr Davies was robbed at knifepoint. 戴维斯先生遭到了持刀抢劫。

2 to take something such as an opportunity , skill , or quality from someone , often in an unfair way (常以不公平的方式)剥夺,使丧失

rob sb of sth The shock had robbed her of the power of speech. 那种震惊使她说不出话来。

-   rob the cradle AMERICAN informal
to have a girlfriend or boyfriend who is much younger than you are
-   rob Peter to pay Paul
to take money that was intended for one particular thing and spend it on something else




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