

单词 road
road ★★★
NOUN  C   
1 a way that leads from one place to another , especially one with a hard surface that cars and other vehicles can use 路;道路;(尤指)公路

All roads leading into the village are flooded. 通向村庄的所有道路都被洪水淹没了。

He was driving on the wrong side of the road. 他在道路上逆向行驶。

A cat suddenly ran into the middle of the road. 一只猫突然窜到了路中间。

busy road (=road with a lot of traffic) The children have to cross a busy road to get to school. 繁忙的道路

1a a street with buildings along one side or both sides (旁边有建筑物的)街道,路

I’ ve lived on this road for twenty years. 我住在这条路上已有20年了。

up/down/along the road (=further on the road) There’ s a supermarket just up the road. 这是个很可能会对未来产生深远影响的决定。

1b used in the names of some streets. The written abbreviation is Rd (用于街道名)街,道,路

They live on Lockwood Road. 他们住在洛克伍德街。

Turn left into the London road (=the road that goes to London) . 左转上通向伦敦的路。

1c relating to or happening on a road 有关道路的;发生在道路上的

a road accident 道路事故

road traffic 道路交通

road safety (=safety when driving on or crossing a road) 道路安全

1d by travelling in a vehicle on roads 乘车

The journey is about three hours by road. 乘车大约有3小时的路程。

2 a particular process or course of action 路子;方法

Ella felt Don was leading her down a very dangerous road. 埃拉觉得唐正把她领上一条危险的路。

2a to take a particular course of action 走那条路;那样做

I’ ve tried being reasonable with him and I don’ t want to go down that road again. 我已经试图和他讲道理了,现在我不想再那样做了。

2b a process or series of events that will achieve something or have a particular result 通往…的道路;…之路

The road to success is not always an easy one. 通往成功的道路并非总是一帆风顺。

on the road to recovery/success etc After weeks of illness he is finally on the road to recovery. 他病了几个星期后,终于开始康复了。

It’ s a crucial step on the road to democracy. 这是通向民主的重要一步。

-   be in the/sb’ s road BRITISH spoken
to be in a position that stops someone from going where they want to go
-   down the road informal
used for talking about the future and what may happen

Two years down the road, you might feel very differently. 再过两年,你可能会有完全不同的感受。

It’ s a decision that may well have an impact further down the road. 这是个很可能会对未来产生深远影响的决定。

-   on the road
1 travelling in a car , bus , or truck , especially for a long distance or a long period of time (尤指长途或长时间)乘车旅行

We’ ve been on the road now for five hours. 我们现在已经在路上跑了5个小时。

2 if entertainers are on the road , they are travelling to many different places to perform (表演者)在巡回演出

The band was on the road for seven months last year. 去年该乐队进行了7个月的巡回演出。

3 going from one place to another because you do not have a permanent home 在流浪

250,000 teenagers decided to live life on the road. 25万名青少年决定过流浪生活。

4 if a car is on the road , it is in a good enough condition to drive and you have paid for insurance and tax (车辆)车况良好,可上路行驶
-   one for the road spoken
an alcoholic drink that you have quickly before you leave a place

Let’ s have one for the road. 我们喝杯酒就上路吧。

-   the road to hell is paved with good intentions
used for saying that people often make a situation much worse when they intended to make it better
  Words frequently used with road
  road 的常见搭配词
  verbs   branch, cross, descend, dip, fork, lead, narrow, run, widen, wind,
See also
end 1
hit 1




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