

单词 right
right 3 ★★★
1  U  behaviour that is considered good or moral (道德上的)正确,对

I think we’ ve got right on our side (=we are morally right) . 我认为我们一方是对的。

right and wrong (=good and bad) Do children of that age really know the difference between right and wrong? 是与非

2  C  something that you are morally or legally allowed to do or have 权利

Workers’ rights are practically non-existent in many clothing factories here. 这里的许多服装厂中工人的合法权利实际并不存在。

equal rights (for sb) (=the same rights for everyone) legislation providing equal employment rights for women (某人的)平等权利

+to the right to political asylum 政治避难权

have a/no/every right to do sth After the way you’ ve been treated, you have every right to complain. 既然你受到那样的待遇,你完全有权投诉。

You have no right to come barging in here like that. 你无权那样闯进来。

give sb the right to do sth What gives you the right to talk to me in that high-handed way? 你凭什么用那种盛气凌人的口气对我说话?

2a the idea that animals have the same natural rights as humans, for example the right not to be treated cruelly 动物权利
3 rights  plural  the legal authority to publish a book , play , film , piece of music etc or to use it for a performance or production (书籍、剧本、电影、音乐等的)专有权

+to I hear that she sold the film rights to her book for a substantial sum. 我听说她出售了她的书的电影改编权,获得了一笔可观的收入。

4  singular  the side of your body that is towards the east when you are facing north , or this direction 右边;右侧

the right Could people in the front two rows move a little to the right? 坐在前两排的人能不能向右边移一点?

on the right (of) Her house is on the right of the street. 她的房子在街的右边。

on sb’ s right It’ s the second door on your right. 就在你右边的第二个门。

to sb’ s right As we climbed, we saw a row of mountains to our right. 我们攀登时,看见一座座山峰就在我们的右边。

4a  singular  a turn towards the right by someone walking or driving 右转

make/take a right Take a right at the art gallery. 到了美术馆向右转。

4b the first/second etc road or street on the right 在第一个/第二个等路口右转

Take the second right and then go straight on. 在第二个拐角向右转,然后直走。

5 the right the political party or the group of people within a society who are conservative in their political viewscan be followed by a singular or plural verb 右派,右翼政党(后可接动词的单数或复数形式)

The Minister has been attacked by the Right for her reforms. 部长由于她的改革措施而受到右翼的攻击。

5a the members of a particular political party who are the most conservative in their political viewscan be followed by a singular or plural verb (政党中的)右派人士,右翼成员(后可接动词的单数或复数形式)

Most people on the right of the party support privatization. 党内的大多数右翼人士支持私有化。

6  C  a hit made with your right hand 右手拳

+to He was knocked out with a right to the jaw. 他被一记右手拳击中下巴后倒地。

-   be in the right
to be morally or legally correct in what you do or believe

Naturally, both parties think they are in the right. 很自然,双方都认为自己有理。

-   be within your rights (to do sth)
to have the moral or legal authority to do something

You are quite within your rights to sue them. 你完全有权起诉他们。

-   by right/(as) of right
because you are morally or legally allowed to do or have something

I wasn’ t stealing – these things are mine by right. 我没有偷窃,这些东西理应是我的。

-   by rights
if things are done as they should be

By rights, we should split the profits among the three of us. 按理说,我们3个人应该均分利润。

-   do right by sb
to deal with someone kindly or correctly
-   have (got) sb bang to rights very informal
to have enough evidence to prove that someone is guilty of a crime
-   in your own right
as a result of your own ability , achievements, qualifications etc and not because of anyone else

Her father’ s a well-known author, but she’ s an excellent writer in her own right. 她父亲是位名作家,但是她完全是凭自己的实力而成为一个优秀作家的。

-   put/set sb right BRITISH
1 to make someone understand that a situation is different from what they thought it was 纠正某人的看法

She thought you could buy tickets at the door, but we soon put her right. 她认为你在门口就能买到票,但我们很快便纠正了她的想法。

2 informal   to make someone feel better 使某人感觉好受一些

Try taking extra vitamins – that’ ll put you right. 试着再吃几片维生素,你会感觉好些的。

-   put/set sth to rights
to make something go back to its normal state again

We’ ll have to put the place to rights before they get back. 我们要在他们回来之前把这个地方恢复原样。

-   the rights and wrongs of sth
the good and bad aspects of something

We’ ll worry about the rights and wrongs of the situation in the morning. 我们会为明天早晨局势的好坏而担忧。

rightness  noun   U 
See also
right of way




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