

单词 review
review 2 ★★★
1  T  to study or examine a situation , policy , or idea again in order to decide whether it is suitable or satisfactory 回顾;审查;检查

The progress of each child must be regularly reviewed. 应该定期检查每个孩子的进步。

1a to examine all the information relevant to a situation or subject 细查;审核;详检

After reviewing the evidence, the grand jury decided to discuss the case. 审查完证据之后,大陪审团决定讨论该案件。

1b to examine a piece of writing in order to find and correct mistakes 检查(文稿)

Don’ t forget to review your work. 别忘记检查一遍你的作业。

2  T  to write an article giving your opinion of a play , book , art exhibition etc 为(戏剧、书、艺术展等)写评论文章

The paper’ s music critic reviewed the production and was overwhelmed by its beauty. 该报纸的音乐评论家撰文评论这部音乐作品,并被它的美妙之处所深深折服。

3  T  if an important person reviews a group of soldiers, sailors etc, they officially visit them during a ceremony 检阅(军队等)
4  T  BRITISH  if a doctor reviews someone , the doctor sees the person again in order to check what progress they have made 复查(病人)
5  I/T  AMERICAN  to revise for an examination (为考试而)复习,温习




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