

单词 review
review 1 ★★★
1  C/U  the process of studying or examining a situation , policy , or idea again in order to decide whether it is suitable or satisfactory 回顾;审核;复查

+of A review of all government policy affecting the environment was announced. 对影响到环境的所有政府政策的审核结果已经公布。

undertake/conduct a review of sth The committee has agreed to undertake a review of the way in which public funds are being used. 委员会同意对公共基金的使用方式进行审核。

subject to review (=likely to be examined again) The decision is not subject to review. 很可能再接受审查

under review (=being examined again) Several aspects of prison practices are currently under review. 再次接受检查

1a the process of examining all the information relevant to a situation or subject 细察;详查;纵览

+of a thorough review of literature on vocational training 对有关职业培训文献的全面回顾

2  C  an article in which someone gives their opinion of a play , book , art exhibition etc 评论(文章)

a review of a new Broadway musical 对百老汇一部新音乐剧的评论文章

rave reviews (=very good reviews) The film also won rave reviews in America. 好评如潮

3  C  an official ceremony when an important person visits a group of soldiers, sailors etc (军事)检阅,阅兵
4  C  AMERICAN  a discussion of a particular subject that prepares you for a test 复习

Don’ t miss class tomorrow – we’ re having a review of chapters three and four. 明天别缺课,我们将复习第3和第4章。

  Words frequently used with review
  review 的常见搭配词
  adjectives   comprehensive, extensive, fundamental, major, strategic, thorough, wide-ranging,




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