

单词 reverse
reverse 1 ★★
1  T  to change the order or development of events, a process , or a situation to be the opposite of what it was 颠倒;使倒转

The effects of the disease can only be reversed by a bone-marrow donation. 这种病的病情只有通过骨髓捐赠才能扭转。

The stock market reversed course and closed with a modest gain. 股市一改常规,以小幅上涨收盘。

1a to change a court decision to be the opposite of what it was 撤销,推翻(法庭判决)

The appeals court reversed his conviction and ordered his release. 上诉法庭撤销了对他的定罪并宣布将他无罪释放。

1b to change your views, policies etc to the opposite ones 转变;改变

The new government set about reversing previous policies. 新政府开始转变以前的政策。

1c to change a decision you have made , for example because people have criticized it 改弦易辙
2  I/T  to go backwards in a vehicle or to make a vehicle do this 倒车;(使)(车)倒退

She reversed into the parking space. 她把车倒进停车位。

3  T  to turn something so that the part that is usually on the outside is on the inside 把…翻过来;翻转

You can reverse the jacket so that the pattern is on the outside. 你可以把夹克翻过来穿,这样图案就露在外面了。

4  T  to exchange your activities or status with that of another person 交换;互换

He’ s always taught me, but now the roles are reversed and I can teach him. 他总是教育我,但现在角色换了,我可以教他了。

-   reverse the charges BRITISH
to make the person you are calling on the telephone agree to pay for the call




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