

单词 return
return 2 ★★★
1  singular/U  a situation in which you go back to a place or come back from a place 返回;回来

+from Harry had met Olivia shortly after his return from India. 哈里从印度回来后不久就遇到奥利维亚。

+to Back at the hotel, John was packing for his return to London. 回到宾馆,约翰就收拾行李准备返回伦敦。

on sb’ s return (from/to sth) On her return to England, she published an account of her travels. 她回到英国后出版了她的旅行见闻。

2  singular/U  a situation in which you go back to a previous activity or condition 恢复;回归

+to the country’ s return to democratic rule 这个国家民主统治的恢复

2a the start of a feeling or situation again (情感或某种情形的)复归

+of After a long winter, they eagerly awaited the return of spring. 漫长的冬天过后,他们急切地等待着春天的回归。

3  C/U  the action of putting, sending, or taking something back to the place where it came from 归还;送还;退回

No returns are allowed on sale merchandise. 降价出售的商品不予退货。

on/upon (the) return of sth Your deposit will be refunded upon return of the bicycle. 你一退还自行车就退给你押金。

4  C/U  a profit on money that you have invested (投资产生的)盈利,收益,收入

+of We were able to get a return of 10% on our investment. 我们的投资能得到10%的盈利。

+on This represents a likely return on capital of over 20% in the first year. 这意味着资本头一年就可能有超过20%的盈利。

5  C  BRITISH  a ticket that takes you to a place and back again 往返票;来回票

I’ d like two returns to Glasgow, please. 我要两张到格拉斯哥的往返票。

5a a ticket for an event that you give back because you no longer want it , so that it can be sold to someone else 退票

We could queue for returns on the day of the concert. 我们在音乐会演出的那天可以排队等候退票。

6 returns  plural  the results of an election 选举结果

Early returns show that the Labour Party is in the lead. 早期选举结果表明工党处于领先地位。

7  C  an official form that you must fill out , especially one involving taxes 报表;(尤指纳税)申报表

VAT/census returns 增值税/统计报表

8  U  a return key (计算机的)回车键

Press ‘Return’ if you wish to proceed. 想继续就按“回车”。

9  C  the action of hitting a ball back to an opponent in a game such as tennis 回击球;回球

Williams hit a wonderful return. 威廉姆斯打了个漂亮的回击球。

-   by return (of post) BRITISH
if you reply to a letter by return of post you write back to the person who wrote to you , immediately after you have received their letter
-   in return for sth
as payment or in exchange for something , or as a way of thanking someone for something

What can we do in return for your kindness? 我们能做些什么来回报你的好意呢?

-   many happy returns
used as a greeting that you say or write to someone on their birthday




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