

单词 restraint
1  U  the limit or control of the expression of strong emotion or opinion 抑制;克制;控制

The President sent a letter to both nations urging restraint. 总统给两个国家都发出了一封信以敦促双方保持克制的态度。

2  C  an act of limiting or controlling something , or a situation in which this happens, especially in business or politics (尤指商业或政治上的)限制,控制,约束

the use of wage restraint to curb inflation 利用限制工资增长来遏制通货膨胀

3  C  something that holds you and physically controls your movements, often to protect your safety 安全措施

mandatory seat belts and head restraints 强制性的安全带和护头垫

4  U  the act or process of stopping the free movement of a person or the free progress of an activity 管押;管制;管束

He left of his own free will and not under restraint. 他是自己主动走的,并未受人所迫。

exercise restraint We need to exercise restraint on spending. 我们需要压缩开支。





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