

单词 reserve
reserve 1 ★★
1  C  usually plural a supply of something that a country or an organization can use when they need to 储备

Germany’ s coal reserves were concentrated in a few large fields. 德国的煤炭储备集中在几个大的露天矿场。

The company has steadily drained its cash reserves. 公司逐渐耗尽了它的现金储备。

the national bank’ s foreign exchange reserves 国家银行的外汇储备

1a a supply of something that someone has and can use when they need to 贮藏;贮存

We all have discovered reserves of strength that we don’ t realize we have. 我们都发掘出了以前未意识到的潜在的力量。

2  C  a player who has not been chosen to play in a particular match but who is available to play if needed 替补队员;预备队员

a reserve goalkeeper 替补守门员

2a  plural  a team consisting of players who have not been chosen to play for the main team 替补队;预备队
3  C  a soldier or a group of soldiers who are not fighting but who are available to fight 后备士兵;后备部队
4  U  the attitude or behaviour of someone who tends not to talk about or show their feelings 矜持;寡言少语;拘谨
4a a feeling of doubt about whether something is good or right 存疑;犹豫

There was a certain reserve in Josie’ s eyes, but in the end she agreed. 乔西的眼睛里流露出一些犹豫不决的神情,但最终她还是同意了。

without reserve They have accepted the report’ s recommendations without reserve. 他们毫无异议地接受了报告中的建议。

5  C  BRITISH  an area of land where wild animals or plants are officially protected (野生动植物)保护区
6  C  a reserve price
-   in reserve
available to be used

hold/keep sth in reserve Keep a few pounds in reserve to cover unexpected costs. 留出几英镑以备不时之需。





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