

单词 represent
represent ★★★
VERB  T   
1 to speak or act officially for another person , group , or organization 代表(人、团体、机构等)

Ambassador Albright will represent the United States at the ceremony. 奥尔布赖特大使将代表美国出席仪式。

a group that represents the interests of the workers in the steel industry 代表钢铁业工人利益的团体

1a to be the elected representative of a particular area in a parliament or similar institution (在议会或类似机构中)代表(某地区)

At that time Mr Ishihara represented the Shinagawa district of Tokyo. 那时石原先生是代表东京品川区的议会议员。

1b to express the views and opinions of a group of people 代表(一群人)的意见(或观点)

a newspaper that claims to represent ‘Middle England’ 一份声称代表“英格兰中产阶级”观点的报纸

2  linking verb  if something represents another thing , it is that thing 组成;构成

Albanians represent about 90 per cent of the population in Kosovo. 阿尔巴尼亚人占科索沃人口的90%。

This represents an increase of 22% on last year’ s profits. 这表示利润在去年的基础上又增长了22%。

The college’ s music library represents a unique resource. 学院的音乐图书馆拥有独一无二的资源。

3 to be a sign or symbol of something 表示;象征

The colour red commonly represents danger. 红色通常表示危险。

4 to be a picture or image of something 画出;描绘

The statue represents Jefferson as a young man. 雕像呈现出的是青年时期的杰斐逊。

5 to take part in a sport as a member of a particular team , country etc 作为…的代表(出席体育比赛)

Ben’ s ambition is to represent Britain at the Olympics. 本的抱负是要代表英国参加奥运会。

6 to be an example of a particular quality or type 具体表达;集中体现

His narrow-minded, backward-looking views represent everything I dislike about this country. 他狭隘的思想和落后的观念集中体现了这个国家一切我不喜欢的方面。

7 to describe someone or something in a particular way , especially when this influences other people’ s opinions 描绘;描述

His novels have been criticized for the negative way in which they represent women. 他的小说因消极地描写了女性而受到指责。

represent sb/sth as sth The film represented Kennedy’ s assassination as a government conspiracy. 这部电影把肯尼迪遇刺事件描写成一场政府的阴谋。

-   be represented
if a particular group , organization etc is represented somewhere , someone from that group is there

All five countries will be represented at the summit. 5个国家都将派代表出席首脑会议。

be well/poorly represented Works by younger artists are well represented in the show. 年轻艺术家的作品在展览上得到了很好的展示。





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