

单词 repel
1  T  if something repels you , you think that it is extremely unpleasant and you want to avoid it 使厌恶;使不愉快
2  T  to keep something away or prevent it from entering something 驱逐;抵御

The wheat is genetically engineered to repel insects. 对小麦进行了基因培植以抵御害虫。

boots that have been specially treated to repel moisture 经特殊处理的防潮靴

2a  I/T  if one thing repels another , an electrical or magnetic force pushes them away from each other 排斥
3  T  to force someone who is attacking to move back or stop attacking 击退

Using water cannons and tear gas, police repelled protesters outside the US embassy. 警察使用水枪和催泪瓦斯驱散了美国大使馆外的抗议者。

4  T  to be unwilling to accept something 抵制;不愿接受

a very private woman, who unconsciously repelled any attempts at intimacy 一个非常孤僻的女人,不自觉地回绝了任何想与她接近的人





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